Local Reactions to Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and South Africa

Doctoral Dissertation
Jaco Cilliers
Christopher Mitchell
Committee Chair
Kevin Clements
Committee Member
Hazel McFerson
Committee Member
Local Reactions to Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and South Africa
Publication Date:August 15, 2001
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The post-accord peacebuilding efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and South Africa are examined from the perspectives of local practitioners within these societies. These two countries entered their post-settlement phases with realities that arose from opposite perspectives on how to build peace within multi-cultural societies. These differences are used to illuminate why some societies might have more success than others in implementing peace agreements and in post-conflict peacebuilding. The field of conflict resolution has increasingly been challenged to develop theories and explanations that can provide insights for post-settlement peacebuilding efforts. Therefore, the research focussed on eliciting local perspectives from people directly involved in post-settlement activities in Bosnia-Herzegovina and South Africa to develop insights into what can be done to improve peacebuilding efforts after peace agreements have been signed.

The research makes use of a case study approach and data was gathered by making use of 69 interviews as well as document reviews and participant observations. A conceptual model that focuses on the pre-settlement, settlement and post-settlement phases was developed and applied throughout the research. The model provides the framework to gain insights from key informants into how the nature and dynamics of conflicts during the pre-settlement and settlement periods impacted factors in the post-settlement period within their countries.

Major findings that look at the importance of post-settlement economic support, the application of conflict resolution methods, and the involvement of external third parties on peacebuilding efforts are discussed and presented. Factors that make it difficult to implement peace agreements and build sustainable peace after the signing of peace accords are also summarized from the perspective of those interviewed for the research. The study concludes by making recommendations for peacebuilding practice that emerged from the research.

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