Which Way Forward? Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts

Doctoral Dissertation
Joshua Weiss
Daniel Druckman
Committee Chair
Tamra Pearson d’Estree
Committee Member
Robert Clark
Committee Member
Which Way Forward? Mediator Sequencing Strategies in Intractable Communal Conflicts
Publication Date:April 10, 2002
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The issue of how mediators sequence issues when attempting to resolve seemingly intractable communal conflicts is the focus o f this dissertation. Past work in the realm o f mediating peace in intractable communal conflicts assumes primarily one manner in which to sequence issues. This notion was challenged by the author with the use o f interviews and content analysis of case studies of peace processes. While the results o f the findings are mixed, it is clear from this research that there are indeed multiple strategies for sequencing issues. The dissertation has developed theory around the sequencing of issues and laid the foundation for future in depth study on this issue.

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