Events by these Researchers
Dissertation Defense - Michael Rupert: An American Story of Insurgency: Narrative, Discourse, and Power in Knowledge Production - (mrupert)
Dissertation Defense - Michael Rupert:An American Story of Insurgency: Narrative, Discourse, and Power in Knowledge ProductionThursday, December 5th
Dissertation Defense: Shiva Hari Dahal - Statebuilding And Peacebuilding In Nepal, 1990-2012: Anatomy of a Democratic Transition? - (sdahal)
Dissertation Defense: Shiva Hari DahalStatebuilding And Peacebuilding In Nepal, 1990-2012: Anatomy of a Democratic Transition?Friday, November 222:
Dissertation Defense: Shinae Hong: The Struggle Against Neoliberal Governance: Anti-FTA Social Movement In Korea In The Context Of Neoliberal Economic Reform - (Shong)
Dissertation Defense- Shinae HongThe Struggle Against Neoliberal Governance: Anti-FTA Social Movement In Korea In The Context Of Neoliberal Economic
Vision Series: Solon Simmons - The Eclipse of Equality: Genealogy of a Missing Category - (ssimmon5)
The Eclipse of Equality: Genealogy of a Missing CategorySolon SimmonsInterim Dean, School forConflict Analysis and ResolutionMonday, October 14, 2013
Book Launch: Kevin Avruch, Chris Mitchell, Solon Simmons, Alicia Pfund, Landon Hancock - (kavruch)
Please join S-CAR for an evening to recognize Kevin Avruch, Solon Simmons, Alicia Pfund, Christopher Mitchell and Landon Hancock for their recent
S-CAR Annual Welcome Dinner - (ssimmon5)
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution cordially invites you to join us in welcoming our students, faculty and staff to another year.S-CAR
S-CAR International Food Festival, Breakfast with the Dean, and Student Information Event - (lshaw2)
All are Welcome!!International Food Festival, Student Mentoring and Information Sessions.Join Us at Any Point During the Day! Agenda
2013 International NGO Conference on History and Peace - (dsandole)
During 21-24 July 2013, S-CAR Professor Dennis Sandole attended the "2013 International NGO Conference on History and Peace," in Seoul,
Dissertation Defense: Julie Shedd - "Is All News Good News: Media Coverage of Terrorism" - (jshedd)
Disseration Defense: Julie SheddIs All News Good News: Media Coverage of TerrorismTuesday, June 25th1:00PM - 3:00PMFoundation Building, Conference
The Complex Relationship between Transitional Justice and Regional Peacebuilding - (dsandole)
"S-CAR Professor Dennis Sandole was invited by the Austrian Ministry of Defence to make a presentation on Friday, 3 May 2013, entitled, "
Dissertation Defense: James Adams, Assessing Interventions Stalled in Negative Peace: A Model for Peace and Stability Operations - (jadams)
Doctoral Candidate: James AdamsThe purpose of the study is to examine the problem of a peace and stability operation that has stalled in apparent
Dissertation Defense, Borislava Manojlovic: Search for Positive Peace in Eastern Slavonia - Contentious Historical Discourses and School Communities - (bmanojlo)
History is heavily rooted in what can be called narrative politics - different versions of the same historical event are tools used to
U.S. and Chinese Engagement with Myanmar and ASEAN: Implications for Global Peace and Prosperity - (mle14)
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) at George Mason University invites you to a discussion on:U.S. and Chinese Engagement
The Ironic Performances of Internet Counter-Narratives Resisting Regime Censorship in China - (scobb)
Thesis Defense by Grace Chau There is a dominant narrative promoted by the PRC that advocates “Harmony.” This project examines the
Where Has All the Civility Gone? Examining Discourse in American Politics and Working Across Party Lines - (scheldel)
The relatively recent plague of political incivility and deadlock in America has been attributed to many factors, ranging from the ill temper of
The Prospects of Peace in the Asia Pacific Region - (kclements)
The Prospects of Peace in the Asia Pacific Region Dr. Kevin Clements:Director of the New Zealand National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Dialectics of State-building and Peace-building: A Dilemma or Destiny? - (dsandole)
You're invited to join PhD Candidate Shiva Hari Dahal as he defends his dissertation proposal on January 15th 2013 in Truland Building Room 700A.
Dissertation Defense: Jana El Horr, Political Shiism in the Arab World: Rituals, Ideologies, and Politics - (Jana El Horr)
Researchers and experts on Arab politics have often debated the role of political Shiism as a source of regional instability and conflict
Mindfulness and the 2012 Election: Issues and Attitudes to Transform the Nation - (rrubenst)
ELEVATE OUR NATION Why has the presdiential contest of 2012 proven so disappointing? What prevents the candidates and their parties from