Events by these Researchers
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Sixte Vigny Nimuraba - (vnimurab)
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Sixte Vigny NimurabaEthnic Identity Shift in BurundiMonday, May 1, 201710:30 am - 12:00Metropolitan building
Social Thought in the Age of Trump: The Politics of Personality vs. System Transformation - (rrubenst)
Social Thought in the Age of Trump: The Politics of Personality vs. System Transformation Book Talk Tuesday, April 25, 20176:00pm - 8:00pm
A New Age of Protest? The Future of Political Protests and Rallies in the Trump Era - (rrubenst)
A New Age of Protest?The Future of Political Protests and Rallies in the Trump EraA Dialogue and Difference Event sponsored by Students of the School
Advanced Training in Facilitating Problem-Solving Workshops - (cmitchel)
Advanced Training in Facilitating Problem-Solving WorkshopsApril 8 - 9th, 2016April 8th : 9:00 AM to 5:30 PMApril 9th: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Dissertation Defense: Bernard Londoni - (rlondoni)
Dissertation Defense - Bernard LondoniUnderstanding the longstanding conflict between the Banyamulenge and "indigenous" tribes in Eastern
Dissertation Defense - Gul Mescioglu Gur - (gmesciog)
Dissertation Defense - Gul Mescioglu GurConflict, History, and Minority Memory: The Case of the Greek-Orthodox Minorities in Istanbul and the Turkish
Problem-Solving Workshop Program Introductory Training Weekend - (lvillan2)
Problem-Solving Workshop Program Introductory Training Weekend March 11-12, 2017March 11th: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PMMarch 12th: 9:00 AM to
Remembering the Siege of the Capital - (rrubenst)
Remembering the Siege of the CapitalThe 40th Anniversary of Hamaas Khaalis's takeover of the B'Nai B'Rith Building, Islamic Center, and
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Claudine Kuradusenge - (ckuradus)
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Claudine KuradusengeFight against Labels, Fight for Self: The Exploration of Social Categorization on Diasporic
Valentine's Day Luncheon Special with Helena Dalli - (rrubenst)
Valentine's Day Luncheon Special!Malta's Surprising Role as a European leader in the fight for LGBT rights and gender justiceTuesday,
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Irene Turner - (iturner)
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Irene TurnerMgr. Christophe Munzihirhwa: Leadership and Influence on the Dynamics of the Congo ConflictWednesday,
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Land Acquisition for Mining: A Case Study of Tanzania - (mkurtz)
Dissertation Proposal DefenseLand Acquisition for Mining: A Case Study of TanzaniaMariam M. KurtzCOMMITTEE MEMBERS:Dr. Richard Rubenstein (Chair)Dr.
Dissertation proposal Defense: Peacebuilding Practice as Function of Practitioners’ Self-Reflection - (nselwan)
Nina Selwan's Dissertation Proposal DefensePeacebuilding Practice as Function of Practitioners’ Self-ReflectionThursday December 8th,
Book Launch with Karina Korostelina - History Can Bite: History Education in Divided and Post-War Societies - (ckoroste)
Please join S-CAR in recognizing Karina Korostelina's new book titled History Can Bite: History Education in Divided and Post-War
Dissertation Defense - James Pugel - (jpugel)
Dissertation Defense - James PugelSocial Identity Balance and Implications for Collective ActionMonday, November 28, 20162:00PM - 4:00PMMetropolitan
Brown Bag: The Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability Program (AHDA) - (ckoroste)
Dialogue on Historical Dialogue and AccountabilityNov.16th1:30 PM – 3:00PMConference Room 5145 The Program on History, Memory, and
Dissertation Defense – Margaret Chasara - (mchasara)
Dissertation Defense: Thanos Gatsias - (agatsias)
Dissertation Defense - Thanos GatsiasExploring Popular Responses to Attempted Changes in the Dominant Discourse: The Case of the 6th Grade History
Dissertation Defense- O. Koray Ertas: Identity Conflict in Bulgaria: The Dynamics of Non-Violence - (Osman Ertas)
Dissertation Defense- O. Koray ErtasIdentity Conflict in Bulgaria: The Dynamics of Non-ViolenceMonday November 7th, 20161:30pm to 3:00pmMetropolitan
Daffodil Planting Party at POV - (mschoeny)
Daffodil Planting Party at Point of View!Sunday, October 30, 20161PM-3PMPoint of View International Research and Retreat Center7301 Old Spring