Events by these Researchers
S-CAR Student Open House - (jbleak)
Come enjoy food and drinks and mingle for a student centered open house! Working Groups and the Student Association will be discussing
Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) APT Information Session - (mblakewa)
If you are thinking about whether or not to sign up for an APT class for next year, please join us to hear about the work of the CRE APT class this
Contentious Conversations Series, Conversation 3: Conflict Analysis and Resolution: Topic, Discipline, or Field? - (scobb)
Contentious Conversation 3 -- "Conflict Analysis and Resolution: Topic, Discipline, or Field?"Date: **Wednesday, Apr. 6,
Extractive Industries and Human Rights in Peru - (shirsch4)
Extractive Industries and Human Rights in PeruInstitute for Conflict Analysis and ResolutionGeorge Mason UniversityTruland Building, Arlington campus
Pizza and Film: City of God - (Catherine Ammen)
The Latin American and Caribbean Working Group would like to invite you to a film screening! We will be showing City of God with discussion
Presentation on the Practice Program at Point of View - (drothbar)
ICAR Professors Dan Rothbart, Susan Allen Nan and Chris Mitchell will report on three on-going problem solving workshop series that currently
Civilian Devastation in War Conference - (drothbar)
The devastation of civilians in contemporary conflicts represents a humanitarian disaster of stunning proportions. The current ratio of military to
Joan Orgon Coolidge - Toward a Just Peace: James H. Laue's Theory of Applied Practice - (Erica)
This dissertation explores James H. Laue’s approach to conflict resolution by examining his applied theory of third-party intervention. A
Stella Ekwachi-Ford - The Role of Third Party Incentives in Hurting Stalemate: a critique of ripeness theory - (Erica)
Dissertation Committee: Richard Rubenstein, J.D., ICAR (Chair) Christopher R. Mitchell, Ph.D., ICAR Dean Pruitt, Ph.D.
Donna L. Kenley - International Political Will and the Development of a Regional Intervention - (Erica)
Dissertation Committee: Dennis Sandole, Ph.D., ICAR, (Chair) Christopher R. Mitchell, Ph.D., ICAR Donald Gantz, Ph.D., Applied
Ami Carpenter "Rendering Idea into Practice: Development Assistance and Conflict Prevention in Guatemala" - (cmitchel)
This dissertation describes the emergence of conflict prevention as a new norm in development policy and practice, and the commensurate use of
Lulsegged A. Abebe - Doctoral Dissertation Defense Christian Councils Can Do It Differently - (Lulsegged Abebe)
Christian Councils Can Do It Differently: The Role National Council Of Churches Of Kenya And South African Council Of Churches Have Played In
Pushpa Iyer - Coming to the Table: Decisions and Decision-Making in a Non-State Armed Group, The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) - (cmitchel)
This dissertation examines the role of critical factors in the internal and external environments of a Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) in its
Linda McLean Harned Frame Change: The Role of the Press and "the Irish Question" - (cmitchel)
Language frames us, our world and where we are headed—by changing the frames we use we can contribute to changing our future. Press frames