Hosein Tarabeih
As an environmental engineer, Hosein Tarabeih is adamant about enriching the conflict resolution field. As an Arab-Israeli, Hosein researches news method to manage environmental disputes at the local level. On sabbatical, serving as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), the focus of Hosein's work is to manage environmental conflicts in Israel, a task that Hosein notes is very complicated due to the strenuous ties between Arabs and Israelis. Hosein believes a culture of co-existence can be formed through a hybrid model, composed of Western elements along with traditional Arab/Israeli methods.
Specifically, Hosein would like to incorporate alternative dispute resolution methods with the ongoing work of the Sulha Peace Project, inspired by an indigenous process of mediation, or sulha. Environmental sulha, therefore, would prepare people for peace at the grassroots level by integrating workshops and sacred interfaith rituals from Arab and Jewish traditions.
ICAR's impact on domestic and international conflicts struck a chord with Hosein as he plans a multi-cultural center focusing on environmental conflict in Israel. Hosein hopes to emphasize to local community members and decision-makers how the environment can affect the social context. The involvement of ICAR, with a rich background in conflict resolution, would provide a stepping stone for addressing environmental issues between Arabs and Israelis.
When asked how he heard about ICAR, Hosein replied that his organization in Israel hosted several students when they visited. His goal, while at ICAR, is to be involved in the community and take courses to help connect practice and technique with theory. Hosein has his eye on Frank Duke's course on environmental conflict and is invigorated that ICAR has ventured down this path.