Academics & Centers
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution is an innovative academic resource for people and institutions worldwide, offering four different rigorous academic programs.
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science / Minor in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- Graduate Certificates with four concentration options
We also offer several joint and dual degree programs.
- Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from S-CAR at George Mason University and
Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution and Meditarranean Security from the University of Malta - Dual Degree in Social Work and Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- Master's International Program with the Peace Corps
Through our academic centers and programs, S-CAR offers students areas to both expand and specialize their education.
- Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
- Genocide Prevention Program
- Program on History, Memory and Conflict
- Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
- Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict