The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Topic of interest Book Chapters
Ministry, Mayhem, and Magic: Called to Conflict Resolution and Conciliation
Systemic Humiliation as Daily Social Suffering
Electronic Mediation
Culture, Religion, and Politics in International Mediation
Structural Violence
Mediation: Elephant or Heffalump?
The “Dialectic of Enlightenment” and the New Arab Awakening
Overview and Introduction
Women’s Lives After Warfare: Disarmament, Demobilisation, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of female Combatants in Nepal and Sri Lanka
The Language of Transitional Justice
Engendering Justice: Dismantling Essentialisms of Gender and Sexual Violence in Yogyakarta
Establishing Rape as a Crime against Humanity: Innovations and Reactions from African Nations
The Rocky Road from Normalization to Reconciliation: China-Japan Relations on the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Meeting Reconciliation Challenges in China-Japan-Korea Relations: Japanese Policy Options and Civil Society Initiatives
Brown Ballots in the Buckeye State
Internal Displacement of Kashmiri Pandits: Socio-economic consequences of past policies and the continued predicament of those displaced
Introduction: Wound and Witness: Writing in the Aftermath of Violence.
The OSCE: Surviving NATO and the End of the Cold War
Becoming a peacemaker: personal discourses of peace and violence
Where Does Whole of Government Meet Whole of Society?
Civilians, Pundits and Mediatized Ideology
Israeli Soldiers' Perceptions of Palestinians Civilians during the 2009 Gaza War
The Politics of Civilian Identity
The Place and Plight of Civilians in Modern War
Double Victims: the Recruitment and Treatment of Child Soldiers in Chechnya
Preventing Genocide: The Quest for System Response
The Role of Civilians in American War Ideology
Civilians Overshadowed by Soldiers: Faceless Victims of the Public Media
Conclusion: the Road Ahead
Devastating Civilians at Home: The Plight of Crimean Tatars and Californians of Asian Decent during World War II
Can history heal the trauma? The role of history education in reconciliation processes
The South African Peace Process: An Urgency Theory Analysis
Engendering Recovery: Rwanda
Victims of Rape and Gendercide: All Wars
Searching for Emancipation: Eritrea, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Fighting Young: Liberia and Sierra Leone
“Contemporary Religious Violence in Europe”
East Timor, Peace Settlement and UN involvement of
De-escalation in International Crises: Methods of Military Expenditures
Arms Races
Identities: Shared, Multiple, and Peace
Non-Lethal Weapons
Chemical and Biological Weapons: Movements to Ban Chemical and Biological Weapons
People to People Democracy
Track Two Diplomacy
Conventional Weapons, Contemporary Constraints and Limitations on
Peaceful Relationships
Darfur: Efforts to Forgive and Reconcile in an Unresolved Conflict
US Foreign Policy in the Post-Bush Era: Implications for Europe and the OSCE
Disaggregating the Causal Factors Unique to Child Soldiering
State Intervention in Islamic Family Law in Kenya and Tanzania: Applications of the Gender Concept
Lessons of Peacebuilding for the Balkans and Beyond: Toward Culture of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Transformation
The Victim Deserving of Global Justice: Power, Caution, and Recovering Individuals
Confronting the Desire to Arm: Josei Toda’s Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Working for Peace: Women’s Civil Societal Actions in Chechnya
Deploying Law as a Weapon: Vengeance, Social Death, and Injustice in America’s War on Terror
Union Struggles in Cairo After Ten Years of Economic Liberalization
The Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism
A Politics of Silences: Violence, Memory and Treacherous Speech in Post-1965 Bali
From Cultural Violence to Dialogue of Civilizations
Untying the Gordian Knot in the Balkans: Realpolitik, ‘Business as Usual’ or Thinking ‘Outside the Box’ on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Integration into ...
The Peacebuilders Paradox and the Dynamics of Dialogue: Psychosocial Approaches to Israeli/Palestinian Peacebuilding
Post-traumatic politics: violence, memory and biomedical discourses of suffering in Indonesia
Bridging Conflict Transformation and Human Rights: Lessons from the Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process
Gender and Violence: Redefining the Moral Ground
Moral Denigration of the Other
Reconciliation as Realpolitik : Facing the Brudens of History in Political Conflict Resolution
Identity Salience as a Determinant of the Perceptions of the Others
Cultural Differences of Perception of the Other
Introduction: Identity, Morality, and Threat
Good Violence and the Myth of the Eternal Soldier
Identity Under Siege: Injustice, Historical Grievance, Rage, and the 'New' Terrorism.
Lessons of the Balkan Wars: Insights of CSCE/OSCE Negotiators, 1993, 1997, 1999, and 2004.
The causes and prevention of violent conflict
Nonviolent Action in Israel and Palestine: A Growing Force
Weaving the Web: Civil Society Roles in Working with Conflict and Building Peace
Building Peace in Post-NATO Bosnia: A Recommended Action Plan
Identity and Apocalyptic Terrorism
Why Some Terrorists Reject Unlimited Violence
Application of Cross-Cultural Psychology for Preventing Suicide Terrorism
The Nature and Nurture of Apocalyptic Terrorism
Collective Identity, Social Movements, and the Limits of Political Dissent in Israel
Multifaceted Programming: Influencing Policies in Burundi
Combating Crime in Southeastern Europe: An Integrated, Coordinated, Multi-Level Approach
Fostering Coexistence in Identity-Based Conflicts. Toward a Narrative Approach
Parameters of Military Intervention and Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East Conflicts
The Causes of Terrorism
When the world turned to chaos: 1965 and its aftermath in Bali
The Balkans Stability Pact as a Regional Conflict Management and Prevention 'Space': An Evaluation
Religion and Peacemaking
Feminist Participatory Research on Legal Consciousness
The Horn: Old Wars and New Terrorism
Preventing Future Yugoslavias: The Views of CSCE/OSCE Negotiators, 1993 and 1997
Refugee Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Coexistence before Reconciliation
Religious dimensions in the battle for Kosovo: Violence and the sacred in the Serb mind
The International Context of Internal War: Ethiopia/Eritrea
Homefront as Battlefield: Gender, Military Occupation and Violence Against Women
Paradigms, Theories, and Metaphors in Conflict and Conflict Resolution: Coherence or Confusion?
Conflict Management: Elements of Generic Theory and Process
Towards a New Rationality
The Ethics of Intervention in Community Disputes
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Dual Master's Degree with the University of Malta
MS/MSW Dual Degree
Research & Practice
Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
Zones of Peace Survey
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