The role of tradional leaders in fostering democracy, justice human rights in Zimbabwe
Masters in Religious Studies, University of Zimbabwe
Bachelors of Arts Honors in religious Studies, University Of Zimbabwe

This article examines the role of chiefs in fostering democracy, human rights and peace in Zimbabwe. It argues that in the precolonial era, chiefs had knowledge of grassroots democracy as they made consultations with their council machinery before taking any decision. It also argues that the precolonial chiefs were custodians of peace and human rights. Human life was viewed as sacred and annoyance of innocent people would evoke punishment from the ancestors. With the introduction of salaries and new administrative policies, the office of chieftaincy was compromised in both the colonial and postcolonial periods. Chiefs lost most of their powers and, therefore, lost control of their people. The article argues that chiefs can, however, use their position, influence and power to transform Zimbabwe into a democratic, lawful and peaceful nation. It invites the current chiefs to borrow a leaf from their counterparts in the precolonial era who were guided by democratic principles in their deliberations, and who respected the laws of their chiefdoms and ensured that subjects under their jurisdiction were given fair treatment.