French Muslim Students in Catholic Schools

Newspaper Article
Vanessa Noël Brown
Vanessa Noël Brown
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French Muslim Students in Catholic Schools
Written: By S-CAR
Publication: The New York Times
Published Date: October 04, 2008
Topics of Interest: Education, Religion

Re ''Spurning Secularism, Many French Muslims Find Haven in Catholic Schools'' (news article, Sept. 30):

The dominant debate around Muslims' lack of integration into Europe's markedly secular societies neglects to highlight constructive examples of interfaith co-existence as is highlighted in your article.

Among headlines of proposed legislation to curb mosques' construction in Italy to the oft-highlighted French perception that wearing a headscarf is inextricably linked to oppression of women, this article highlights that not all European communities demand that one choose between one's religious and national identities.

The French Catholic schools with significant Muslim student populations are striking evidence of French parents' common desire that their children have a quality education in an environment that both permits self-expression and teaches tolerance for the other.

Respect for observing religion and regard for France's celebrated laïcité need not be mutually exclusive.

Vanessa Noël Brown
Arlington, Va., Oct. 1, 2008

The writer is a conflict analyst at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University.

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