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Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Sea Territorial Dispute
S-CAR Book
Tatsushi Arai
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Ph.D., George Mason University
M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies
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Zheng Wang
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Ph.D, Conflict Resolution, George Mason University
M.A., Peace Studies, University of Bradford
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Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Sea Territorial Dispute
Authors: Tatsushi Arai, Zheng Wang, Andrea Bartoli, Shihoko Goto, Ming Yang, Ming Wan, Shinju Fujihira, Quansheng Zhao, Akihiko Kimijima, Junhua Wu, Akio takahara,
URL: Click here
Published Date: July 01, 2013
Topics of Interest:
East Asia, Conflict Resolution, Structural Violence, International Relations, PeaceBuilding, Politics
ISBN: 978-1-938027-24-6
As tensions between Japan and China continue to bubble over islands in the East China Sea, scholars from the two countries outline not only the origins, but also the policy options to resolve the territorial dispute. Together with George Mason University, the Wilson Center hosted a conference on how the ongoing conflict may be resolved in late January. Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Territorial Dispute is a compliation of essays by the conference participants.
Chapters by S-CAR Contributors
Title: Preface
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