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Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict
S-CAR Book
Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict
Authors: Cobb, Sara., Chayes, Antonia., Minow, Martha L.
Editor: Chayes, Antonia., Minow, Martha L.
Published Date: April 16, 2003
Topics of Interest:
Positive/Negative Peace, Conflict Resolution, Culture, Identity, Human Rights, Reconciliation
No. of Pages: 384
Language: English
ISBN: 9780787965778
Growing out of a project of the same name that was initiated by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, this text contains theoretical and practical considerations of the possibilities of getting previously warring groups coexisting through interaction. Presented by Chayes (public policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard U.) and Minow (Harvard Law School), the 15 papers examine UN pilot projects that have stressed coexistence over the harder-to-obtain reconciliation, explore evaluation tools for the assessment of projects, and explore underlying theoretical concerns.
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