Peacebuilding, Memory and Reconciliation: Bridging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches

S-CAR Book
Peacebuilding, Memory and Reconciliation: Bridging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches
Published Date:
Publisher: Routledge
Topics of Interest: Conflict Resolution

This book aims to bridge the gap between what are generally referred to as ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches to peacebuilding.

After the experience of a physical and psychological trauma, the period of individual healing and recovery is intertwined with political and social reconciliation. The prospects for social and political reconciliation are undermined when a ‘top-down’ approach is favoured over the ‘bottom-up strategy’- the prioritization of structural stability over societal well-being.

Peacebuilding, Memory and Reconciliation
explores the inextricable link between psychological recovery and socio-political reconciliation, and the political issues that dominate this relationship. Through an examination of the construction of social narratives about or for peace, the text offers a new perspective on peacebuilding, which challenges and questions the very nature of the dichotomy between ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches. This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding, peace and conflict studies, social psychology, political science and IR in general.

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