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Articles by this Author
Reproduction of Conflict in History Teaching in Ukraine: A Social Identity Theory Analysis
Crimean Tatars From Mass Deportation to Hardships in Occupied Crimea
Conflict of National Narratives of Ukraine: Euromaidan and Beyond
Intergroup Identity Insults: A Social Identity Theory Perspective
Orange Revolution in Ukraine: Inspiration of Disillusionment?
Shaping unpredictable past: National identity and history education in Ukraine
War of Textbooks: History Education in Russia and Ukraine
Striking Civilian Targets During the Lebanon War—A Social Psychological Analysis of Israeli Decision Makers
Concepts of National Identity and the Readiness for Conflict Behavior
Identity, Autonomy and Conflict in Republics of Russia and Ukraine
History Education and Social Identity
The System of Social Identities in Tajikistan: Early Warning and Conflict Prevention
Introduction: Conflicts in Central Asia
Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Central Asia: Dimensions and Challenges
The Impact of National Identity on Conflict Behavior: Comparative Analysis of Two Ethnic Minorities in Crimea
The Multiethnic State-Building Dilemma: National and Ethnic Minorities’ Identities in the Crimea
Problema vzaemozvyazku miz social’noyu identichnostuy, attitudami I gotovnost’uy do konflictnoyu povedinki
Ethnicheskaya identicnost’ I ostenka situactiy: opyt exsperimental’nogo issledovaniya. (Ethnic Identity and Estimation of Situations: The Experimental Study)
Funkstii I vyrazennost’soctial’noi identichnosti: problemy vzaemozvyazku (Functions and Salience of Social Identity: Problems of Interrelations)
Problemy formuvanya nacional’noyi identichnosti yak osnova byhovanya osobystosti (Problems of National Identity Formation as Basis for Personal Development)
Social’na identichnist’ ak determinanta spriinyatay I ocinki inshih grup (Social Identity as Determinant of Perception and Estimation of Outgroups)
Formuvanya nacional’noyi identichnosti yak zavdanya gumanizatsii osvity (Formation of National Identity as Task of Humanisation of Education)
Osobistisna I etnichna identichnosti kryms’kyh tatar irossiyan (Personal and Ethnic Identity Among Crimean Tatars and Russians)
Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland
Ethnic Stereotypes as a Determinant of Estimation of Ethnic Conflict (The View from the Crimea to Kosovo) (in Ukranian)
Mezhethniccheskaya adaptacia I ethnichaskie stereotypy- problemy vzaimosvyazi (Interethnic Adaptation and Ethnic Stereotypes: The Problems of Interconnection)
Identichnost’ yak systema: struktura I smuslovoi zmist elementiv (Identity as a System Structure and Meaning of Elements)
Identity-Based Training as a New Psychological Approach in Peace Education
Kulturnye razmernosti i kross-kul’turnaya adaptachiya (Cultural Dimensions and Cross-Cultural Adaptation)
Peace Building in Multiethnic Crimea.
Crimean Psychologists Investigate Multi - Ethnic Conflict and Social Change
Vyrachennost’ social’noy identichnosti (The Poblems of Social Identity Salience)
Ethnicheskoe vsaimodeistvie v Krymu: analis modelei situachiy.(Ethnic Relations in Crimea: The Analyses of Models of Situations)
Peace Building in Multiethnic Crimea. Give &Take
The Social – Psychological Roots of the Ethnic Problems in Crimea
Mezethnicheskaya adaptaciya i ethnicheskie stereotypy: problema vsaimosvyazi (Interethnic Adaptation and Stereotypes: The Problem of Interrelations
Problemy issledovaniya etnicheskih osobennostey formirivaniya lichnosti pebenka. (Research Problems of Ethnic Peculiarities of Firming of Child’s Persons)
“Social’no- psihologicheskie korni ethniceskih problem” (The Social Psychological Roots of Ethnic Problems)
Modeli etniceskih situaciy i osobennosti activnosti. (The Models of Ethnic Situations and Peculiarities of Activity)
Ethnicheskaya identichnost’ i affilyatsiya (The Ethnical Identity and Affiliation)
Etnicheskie osobennosti vospriayatiya studentov (The Ethnic Peculiarities of Perception of Student)
Etnicheskie osobennosti potrebitel’skogo povedeniya (The Ethnic Peculiarities of Consumer Behavior)
Social’no psihologicheskie osnovy ethnicheskih konflictov (The Social Psychological Reasons of Ethnic Conflict)
Culturnye determinanty mezhetnicheskih otnosheniy (The Cultural Determinants of Interethnic Relations)
Problemy social’no-psyhologiceskogo issledovaniya conflictov (The Social –Psychological Research Problems of Ethnic Conflicts)
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