Career Intensive: International Development and International Public Service

Event and Presentation
Lisa Elaine Shaw
Lisa Elaine Shaw
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Career Intensive: International Development and International Public Service
Event Date:

March 7, 2014 10:00am through 4:00pm

Event Location: Metropolitan Building, Conference Room 5183
Past Event
Event Type: Event

Career Intensive:  International Development and International Public Service

Friday, March 7th
10:00am - 4:00pm
Metropolitan Building 5183

Students can register on-line 

We will be focusing on those students who are interested in a career related to international development and international public service. Our professional panelist’s are Jose Garzon (USAID), Alissa S. Wilson (Africa Section:American friends Service Committee), and Maneshka Eliatamby, S-CAR Alumni, (Communities without boundaries international).

Students will hear from these experts in the field, get their resume reviewed, and participate in mock interviews. Box lunches will be provided. Participants will be required to tailor a cover letter and resume prior to the day of the intensive. Seating is limited so register soon! Once the student is registered further instructions will be sent.

Please contact Jackie Finch, Career Advisor at [email protected] if there are questions. 

Panelists Bios:

Jose Garzon is Deputy Director of USAID’s Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation.  As a career Foreign Service Officer, he has led Democracy and Governance Offices in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Guatemala, and Bolivia.  From 2002 – 2005, he served in USAID Washington as Rule of Law Division Chief, and Europe and Eurasia Democracy Team Leader.  Other Foreign Service assignments include Philippines, where he headed the Mt. Pinatubo disaster recovery effort, and Bangladesh, where he worked on strengthening civil society and disaster relief.  Jose’s essay “Democracy and Development Reconsidered“, which examines the importance of governance effectiveness, was published recently in USAID’s Frontiers of Development series.  Jose joined USAID in 1988 after working 6 years in development programs in Peru and El Salvador.   He holds a Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.A. from Whittier College in political science.  Contact (202) 712-5647;  [email protected]

Alissa S. Wilson is Public Education and Advocacy Coordinator for Africa at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), where she brings the lessons learned from AFSC’s work in Africa to the Washington DC policy community and liaises with the Quaker United Nations Office. Before this position, she spent two years with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), in South Sudan, where she created and managed a community organizing program implemented in all 10 states. Alissa has also been the AFSC Policy Associate for Peace and Security, an accredited election observer in Nigeria, a Jane Addams–Andrew Carnegie Fellow at the Center on Philanthropy at IU and an AmeriCorps member. Alissa is co-author of Practical Idealists: Changing the World and Getting Paid. She holds a BA from Amherst College in Political Science and a MALD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Alissa is also an avid dancer.

Maneshka Eliatamby is Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer at Communities Without Boundaries International, Inc. Dr. Eliatamby has over twelve years of experience working as a practitioner turned practicing-scholar in the fields of peacebuilding and development, focusing on nonviolence and peacebuilding education, conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding and development, youth and women.  Maneshka holds a PhD in Conflict Analysis & Resolution at S-CAR, and is the recipient of numerous fellowships and scholarships, including, George Mason Provost Fellowship, The Hunt Inclusive Security Fellowship, Mahbub al Haq Fellowship, Drucie French Cumbie Fellowship, and Brenda Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship.

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