Dissertation Proposal: Innocent Rugaragu - Leadership For Peace And Reconciliation In Post-Violent Sub-Saharan African Countries
B.A., Honor Philosophy and Humanities, University of Zimbabwe
B.A., Theology, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
May 5, 2015 12:00pm through 2:00pm
Dissertation Proposal: Innocent Rugaragu
Leadership For Peace And Reconciliation In Post-Violent Sub-Saharan African Countries
Tuesday May 05, 2015
12:00pm – 2:00pm
Metropolitan Building, Room 5145
Committee Members
Dr. Susan H. Allen (Chairperson)
Dr. Sandra Cheldelin
Dr. Stephen Zaccaro
Since 1950, Africa has experienced more incidences of violent conflict, civil war and genocide than any other continent. The crisis in current African political leadership carries some burden of responsibility for creating this situation. This qualitative case study examines the intersection between top-level Sub-Saharan African leaders’ styles of leadership, the political context within which they led or are leading, and their achievement of establishing peace and reconciliation in post-conflict countries. The central question of this study asks what factors or forces shape the character make-up, and/or the leadership philosophy of the Sub-Saharan African leader who consciously chooses peace and reconciliation and demonstrates this commitment through his or her actions and decisions.