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Vision Series -- Religion and Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of Nigeria
Event and Presentation
John Paden
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Ph.D, in Government, Harvard University
M.A, Economics, Oxford University
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Awards and Honor:
Vision Series -- Religion and Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of Nigeria
Event Date:
April 2, 2012 7:00PM through 9:00PM
Event Location: Center for the Arts Concert Hall , GMU Fairfax Campus
Event Type: Presentation
The next lecture in the fifth annual Vision Series, featuring Mason faculty in lively, accessibly talks on matters of current interest in their fields. The Series is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and this lecture will feature John Paden who will present on "Religion and Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of NIgeria."
Events by this Researcher
- Dissertation Proposal: Adeeb Yousef - Fragmentation of identity Groups and Conflict Mitigation in Darfur, Sudan 2005-2015 - (Adeeb Yousif Abdel Alla)
- Dissertation Proposal Presentation – Margaret Chasara: Impact of the Interaction of Institutions, Power and Legitimacy on Developmental Policy Outcomes - (Margaret Chasara)
Events by other Researchers
Center for the Arts Concert Hall , GMU Fairfax Campus