Why Denial Violates the Genocide Convention: The Genocides of Armenians, Native Americans, and Tutsis in Rwanda

Event and Presentation
Gregory H. Stanton
Why Denial Violates the Genocide Convention: The Genocides of Armenians, Native Americans, and Tutsis in Rwanda
Event Date:

March 19, 2015 4:00pm through 6:00pm

Past Event
Event Type: Event

Why Denial Violates the Genocide Convention: The Genocides of Armenians, Native Americans, and Tutsis in Rwanda

Lecture by 
Dr. Gregory Stanton, Research Professor in Genocide Studies
and Prevention, George Mason University

Thursday, March 19, 2015
4:00 PM– 6:00PM.

The George Washington University Law School
Michael K Young Faculty Conference Center
2000 H Street NW,
Washington, DC 20052

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