Events by these Researchers
Dissertation Defense - Bridget M. Moix - (bmoix)
Dissertation Defense - Bridget M. Moix Choosing Peace: Local Peacebuilder Perspectives on Agency, Relational Responsibility, and the Future
Call for Proposals - Theorizing Linkages, Practicing Solidarity: Feminist Approaches to Conflict Resolution - (ldwyer2)
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict'sFifth Annual Research ConferenceTheorizing Linkages, Practicing Solidarity:Feminist Approaches to
Book Launch- Peace Museums Worldwide: Giving Peace a Chance - (sallen)
PEACE MUSEUMS WORLDWIDE:GIVING PEACE A CHANCEa lecture and discussionwith Joyce Apsel, New York Universityon her new bookThursday, October 272 pm to
The Election and the Future of Immigration - (apaczyns)
The Election and the Future of ImmigrationOctober 27, 20167:30PM - 9PMFounders Hall, Room 126 Immigration is a polarizing topic in the 2016
A Conversation about Race, Policing and Conflict Resolution in the US - (apaczyns)
A Conversation about Race, Policing and Conflict Resolution in the US.Metropolitan Building, Room 5183 from 6 to 8pm.The School for Conflict Analysis
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Rochelle Arms - Mediators in the Making: How Mediators Learn in Action - (rarms)
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Rochelle ArmsMediators in the Making: How Mediators Learn in ActionMay 18th, 20162:00pm- 4:00pmMetropolitan Bldg. Rm
The Journey Toward Less Violence and More Empathy: A Scientific and Spiritual Convergence - (mgopin)
Profesor Marc Gopin explains and explores the nature of violence in history, religion and society.
How Empathy Can Change the World - (mgopin)
Marc Gopin is director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, and James H. Laue Professor at George Mason University
Frontiers in Peacebuilding lecture series at EMU brings in four experts - (ajadalla)
Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah, president and managing director of Kommon Denominator, Inc., and Dr. Marc Gopin, Director of the Center for World
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Jessica M. Smith - Visualizing Voice: Framing Peace & Agency in Bosnia-Herzegovina - (jsmith)
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Jessica M. SmithVisualizing Voice: Framing Peace & Agency in Bosnia-HerzegovinaApril 21, 20163pm-5pmMetropolitan
Conference - Feminism for the Future: Critical Perspectives on Feminism and Conflict Resolution - (ldwyer2)
George Mason University’s Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict is pleased to announce its upcoming conference, Feminism for the Future:
Cynthia Enloe's 2016 Keynote Address: "When Does 'Post-War' Start? Does It Ever End? Feminist Insights." - (lmclean)
The Week to Remember our Humanity: Genocide Remembrance And Post-Conflict Trauma Healing - (ldwyer2)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution to an event to remember and reflect on genocide around the world. By exploring
Problem-Solving Workshop Program Introductory II Training Weekend - (cmitchel)
Problem-Solving Workshop Program Introductory II Training Weekend February 20th – 21st20th: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM21st:
Georgian and South Ossetian Civil Society-Based Peacebuilders Present on Georgian-South Ossetian Confidence-Building - (sallen)
Georgian and South Ossetian Civil Society-Based Peacebuilders Present on Georgian-South Ossetian Confidence-BuildingFriday, February 5th12:00pm - 1:
Development of Reconciliation and Civic Equality Approaches in Georgia - Paata Zakareishvili - (sallen)
The Development of Reconciliation and Civic Equality Approaches in Georgiaby Paata Zakareishvili, State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Wilfredo Magno Torres III - Peacebuilding Evaluation: Towards a Robust Impact Evaluation of Peacebuilding Programs - (wtorres)
Dissertation Proposal Defense--Wilfredo Magno Torres III “Peacebuilding Evaluation: Towards a Robust Impact Evaluation
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Gerhard Botha - What is the nature of witnesses “being heard” in the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission? - (gbotha)
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Gerhard Botha What is the nature of witnesses “being heard” in the South African Truth and
Proposal Defense: Julie Minde - Impact of Perceptions of Map and Mapping Legitimacy on Conflict Resolution Efforts - (jminde)
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Julie Minde “Impact of Perceptions of Map and Mapping Legitimacy on Conflict Resolution Efforts”