Events by these Researchers
Proposal Defense: Living Without Justice: Exploring the Dilemma of Human Rights Victims in the Aftermath of Military Rule - (kdegraft)
The study seeks to develop a comparative approach that will help to understand the plight of the victims of human rights abuses during periods of
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Irene Turner - (iturner)
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Irene TurnerMgr. Christophe Munzihirhwa: Leadership and Influence on the Dynamics of the Congo ConflictWednesday,
Dissertation Defense - James Pugel - (jpugel)
Dissertation Defense - James PugelSocial Identity Balance and Implications for Collective ActionMonday, November 28, 20162:00PM - 4:00PMMetropolitan
Dissertation Defense - Megan Price - (mprice11)
When Students Misbehave: Student Discipline from the Insight ApproachWednesday, November 9, 20161:00PM - 3:00PM Metropolitain Building, room
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Refugees: The Silent Voice in Conflict Resolution - (ghakizim)
Refugees are a growing international concern yet they are largely ignored as a relevant group who can contribute to conflict resolution. Throughout
Elections 2016: Could America Go Fascist? And What Can We Do About It? - (ssimmon5)
Elections 2016: Could America Go Fascist? And What Can We Do About It?Sunday, February 28th5:00pm-8:00pmBusboys and Poets2021 V Street NW, Washington
Dissertation Defense: Gina Cerasani - Moments of Connection: Cultivating Empathy Between Parties in Conflict Using Role-Play - (gcerasa1)
Dissertation Defense: Gina CerasaniMoments of Connection: Cultivating Empathy Between Parties in Conflict Using Role-PlayMonday, Nov. 2nd12:30pm - 2:
Dissertation Defense -Roland Wilson: The Nexus between U.S. Foreign Policy and Conflict Resolution or Protraction: The case of North Korea - (rwilso13)
The Nexus between U.S. Foreign Policy and Conflict Resolution or Protraction:The case of North KoreaTuesday, July 21st1:30pm- 3:30pm Conference
Dissertation Proposal: Adeeb Yousef - Fragmentation of identity Groups and Conflict Mitigation in Darfur, Sudan 2005-2015 - (aabdela2)
Fragmentation of identity Groups and Conflict Mitigation in Darfur, Sudan 2005-2015Monday, April 27th 2:00pm - 4:00pmConference Room
Dissertation Defense - Jay Filipi: OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest - (J.Filipi)
Dissertation Defense: Jay Filipi OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest
Youth Leadership and Civil Rights in the 21st century - (deliatam)
MLK Event Week Youth Leadership and Civil Rights in the 21st CenturyThursday, January 22nd5:00pm-7:00pmMetropolitan Building 5183Please join S-
Power of the News: Media Narratives in Shaping Public Perception and Political Leanings - (ssimmon5)
Pizza and PerspectivesUniversity Life Arlington Campus Event Power of the News: Media Narratives in Shaping Public Perception and Political
African Working Group Welcome Gathering - (vnimurab)
Please join the Africa Working Group on Friday September 5, 2014, for a meet and greet from 4:00pm – 6:30pm in room 5183 at the Metropolitan
S-CAR Convocation Graduation Ceremony- May 15th - (kavruch)
School for Conflict Analysis and ResolutionConvocation Ceremony THURSDAY, MAY 156:30pmThe Center for the Arts(on the Fairfax campus)
Undergraduate Program Brown Bag Lecture - Rido: Clan Feuding and Conflict Management in Mindanao - (wtorres)
Rido: Clan Feuding and Conflict Management in Mindanao
Undergraduate Program Brown Bag Lecture - (bbanning)
Ukraine: The Fight for Identity and PowerPresented by Karina KorostelinaDr. Karina V. Korostelina will be presenting about her new book, Constructing
Dissertation Defense - Michael Rupert: An American Story of Insurgency: Narrative, Discourse, and Power in Knowledge Production - (mrupert)
Dissertation Defense - Michael Rupert:An American Story of Insurgency: Narrative, Discourse, and Power in Knowledge ProductionThursday, December 5th
Undergraduate Program CONF 490 Research Showcase - (bbanning)
Join the S-CAR Undergraduate Program for the CONF 490 Research Showcase. Students will be presenting individual research projects for the
MS Information Session in Fairfax - (charri4)
Please join us at one of two information sessions with the Director of Graduate Admissions for S-CAR on the Fairfax campus. Gain insight and have