Events by these Researchers
Dialogue in the Workplace - (scheldel)
Dialogue in the Workplace was funded by the Community Resilience Project and Freddie Mac Foundation. These dialogues are part of a series of multi-
Mason's Distinguished Faculty Honored - (mgopin)
President Alan Merten and Provost Peters Stearns honored the university’s most distinguished faculty — endowed chairs, Clarence J.
Violence Against Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo - (hyusuf)
Roundtable Discussion hosted by Sexual Assault Services and the Africa Working Groupon Violence Against Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
21st Annual Lynch Lecture Featuring the Honorable Jan Eliasson - (mshank)
Twenty-first Annual Vernon M. and Minni I. Lynch Lecture: Reframing US-European Relations: A New Approach to Diplomacy Presented by the Honorable Jan
Gender Dialogue entitled "Sharing Stories from the Field: Getting it and Not Getting it" - (scheldel)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Gender Dialogue entitled "Sharing Stories from the Field: Getting it and Not Getting it" 4:30 pm - 6:
Makram Ouaiss - The Impact of Political Alliances on Voter Prejudice in Post Conflict Countries - (Erica)
For years conflict resolution scholars and practitioners have studied ways to reduce prejudice in society, believing that prejudice leads to or
The Impact of Consensus Building on Conflict/Prevention Reduction: A Comparative Study of Negotiated and Conventional Rulemaking - (wwarfiel)
This dissertation provides an empirical assessment of the impact of negotiated rulemakings on preventing or reducing conflicts over rules.
Do Conversations Matter: Dialogue as a Process for Change - (lshaw2)
Sandra Cheldelin, the Vernon M. and Minnie I. Lynch Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, will give the spring lecture for the
Identity, Morality and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict Book Launch Party - (eogilvie)
Speakers include the following book contributors: David G. Alpher Sandra I. Cheldelin Rom Harré Karina V.
Shawn A. MacDonald From Conflict To Collaboration: Exploring Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives As A Conflict Management Mechanism For Corporate Social Conflicts - (smacdona)
This dissertation explores “multi-stakeholder initiatives” created collaboratively by civil society groups and corporations to implement
Jennifer Jean Langdon - Dispute, Harm, Crime, and Conflict: Narrative Positioning in Justice Practice - (eogilvie)
This dissertation describes the changing discourse surrounding conflict resolution as justice-practice. By redefining crime in various ways
Shadows of Empire: the Emerging Politics of Identity and Nationalism in Central Eurasia - (scheldel)
International Studies Association Annual Conference, Shadows of Empire: the Emerging Politics of Identity and Nationalism in Central Eurasia,