Events by these Researchers
John Burton Library Book Sale - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Book SaleThursday, May 4, 20175:30pm - 8:30pmDuring the Celebration of Achievements Event at S-CAR New and used books
Advising and John Burton Workshop Series - Thesis Writing: Strategies & Process Overview - (mtepper)
Advising and John Burton Workshop SeriesThesis Writing: Strategies & Process Overview Wednesday April 26th3:15pm - 4:15pmMetropolitan
John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop Series- Thesis and Dissertation Requirements - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop Series- Conference Writing and Presenting Workshop - (mtepper)
Interested in attending a conference?Join this interactive workshop to learn how to find them, write winning abstracts, and much more!
John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop Series- Writing Strategies for Drafting Papers - (mtepper)
Starting your papers?Having difficulties getting going?Join us in the John Burton Libraryfor a presentation from two staff members of Mason's
Zotero Workshops - Note: Multiple dates and times in September/October - (moberlies)
Zotero Workshopsfrom the Arlington Campus Library Interested in instant bibliographies and managing your citations? Bringt
John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop Series- Grant Writing - (mtepper)
Welcome to the Fall 2016John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop SeriesPlease Join us for our first session onGrant Writingwith Maria SeniwS
S-CAR Student Association First Meeting! - (mtepper)
Interested in supporting the S-CAR graduate student community?Want a say in how the School is run? Join us
John Burton Library Spring 2016 Research and Writing Workshop Series - Data Software Programs for Research Analysis - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Spring 2016Research and Writing Workshop Series
Job Search - LinkedIn Workshop - (jfinch4)
Job Search - LinkedIn Workshop April 8, 2016 10:00am -12:00pm,Metropolitan Building Conference Room 5000Time wisely spent learning the art
John Burton Library Spring 2016 Research and Writing Workshop Series- From Casual to Scholarly Writing - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Spring 2016Research and Writing Workshop Series
John Burton Library Spring 2016 Research and Writing Workshop Series- University Thesis and Dissertation Requirements - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Spring 2016Research and Writing Workshop Series
Career Intensive: Community Engagement - (jfinch4)
Career Intensive: Community EngagementFriday, March 18, 2016 10:00am - 4:00pmMetropolitan BuildinConference Room 5183We will be focusing
John Burton Library Spring 2016 Research and Writing Workshop Series- Conducting Literature Reviews - (moberlies)
John Burton Library Spring 2016Research and Writing Workshop Series
Information Session US State Department, Diplomat in Residence - (jfinch4)
Elise Kleinwaks, the new Diplomat in Residence, will spend the evening with us discussing employment and internship opportunity with the US State
John Burton Library Spring 2016 Workshop Series- Instant Citations and Bibliographies with Zotero - (mtepper)
John Burton Library Spring 2016Research and Writing Workshop Series
SPGIA/S-CAR Career Fair - (jfinch4)
2016 SPGIA / S-CAR Graduate Career and Internship FairOn February 10, 2016 from 2-5PM at Founder's Hall there will be a Career Fair at
Town Hall Meeting - Inclusivity in the Classroom - (lmclean)
In light of recent student protests on issues of social inclusion and race at campuses across the country, we feel we are a
Call for Proposals- International Conflict Resolution Education Conference- Building Stronger Communities Through Peace, Justice, and Security - (jshedd)
International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE)Building Stronger Communities Through Peace, Justice, and SecurityJune 8 – 13,