Events by these Researchers
Proposal Defense - Saba Kidane: Post-Conflict Regime Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Eritrea and Namibia - (Saba Kindane)
Proposal Defense - Saba KidanePost-Conflict Regime Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Eritrea and NamibiaMonday, August 311:00pm - 3
Dissertation Proposal: Adeeb Yousef - Fragmentation of identity Groups and Conflict Mitigation in Darfur, Sudan 2005-2015 - (aabdela2)
Fragmentation of identity Groups and Conflict Mitigation in Darfur, Sudan 2005-2015Monday, April 27th 2:00pm - 4:00pmConference Room
Polarized Conflicts Between Parties: Agora Conference - (rrubenst)
Agora Conference: Polarized Conflicts Between PartiesWednesday, April 8th1:00pm - 4:00pmResearch 163, FairfaxRSVP HereAgora is excited to announce
Dissertation Defense: Michael Loadenthal -The politics of the attack: a discourse of insurrectionary communiqués - (mloadenthal)
Dissertation Defense: Michael LoadenthalThe politics of the attack: a discourse of insurrectionary communiquésWednesday, April 1st2:00pm - 4:
Dissertation Defense - Jay Filipi: OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest - (J.Filipi)
Dissertation Defense: Jay Filipi OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest
Community Healing: Pain and Hope - (Mary Wade)
Martin Luther King Jr. Event SeriesCommunity Healing: Pain and HopeWith Dr. Mary Wade and PhD Student Nawal RajehFacilitated by Prof. Richard
Youth Leadership and Civil Rights in the 21st century - (deliatam)
MLK Event Week Youth Leadership and Civil Rights in the 21st CenturyThursday, January 22nd5:00pm-7:00pmMetropolitan Building 5183Please join S-
Violence in the Middle East: Are there alternatives for the war on terror? - (rrubenst)
Join in a discussion of new ideas with experts on terrorism, insurgency, narratives of violence and conflict resolution.Many people have pointed out
Master's International Program- Alumni Happy Hour - (rrubenst)
You are cordially invited to join S-CAR for an
Power of the News: Media Narratives in Shaping Public Perception and Political Leanings - (ssimmon5)
Pizza and PerspectivesUniversity Life Arlington Campus Event Power of the News: Media Narratives in Shaping Public Perception and Political
African Working Group Welcome Gathering - (vnimurab)
Please join the Africa Working Group on Friday September 5, 2014, for a meet and greet from 4:00pm – 6:30pm in room 5183 at the Metropolitan
Discussion: Race Relations and Underlying Issues of the Ferguson Conflict - (rrubenst)
Race Relations and Underlying Issues of the Ferguson ConflictPlease join S-CAR and the Systemic Violence Working Group for a roundtable discussion on
Peter Edelman - The War On Poverty After 50 Years: Are We Winning Or Losing? - (rrubenst)
Peter Edelman - So Rich, So Poor: Why it's so hard to end Povery in America!Wednesday, April 30th3:30-5:30pmConference Room 5183
Fifth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference - (ssimmon5)
Please join us for the Fifth Annual S-CAR Undergraduate Research Conference!Schedule10:00-10:05am – Introduction by Dr. Julie Shedd, Associate
Peacebuilding Approaches and Processes in Ukraine - (ckoroste)
Peacebuilding Approaches and Processes in UkraineTuesday, April 8th 9:30 am to 11:00 amJohns Hopkins University SAIS Kenney Auditorium
Religion and International Relations with Father Joe Inguanez - (rrubenst)
Religion and international relations with Father Joe InguanezTuesday, April 1st2:00pm-3:30pmConference room 5183 Join Father Joe Inguanez for a
Poverty and Inequality in Virginia: Causes and Cures - (rrubenst)
Presentation to SALT advocates and Virginia legislators (RICHMOND ROUNG-UP FORUM) Dr. Richard Rubenstein of George Mason University on 03.22.2014 in
Richmond Roundup on Child Poverty - (rrubenst)
49.7 million people in the United Statesare living in poverty—and more than 13million of those are children. 16