Events by these Researchers
Call for Proposals - Facing a Violent Past Dealing with history and memory in Conflict Resolution - (ckoroste)
CALL FOR PROPOSALSFacing a Violent Past - Dealing with history and memory in Conflict ResolutionThe deadline for submission of proposals is Friday,
Teaching the Cold War - Memory Practices in the Classroom - (ckoroste)
Teaching the Cold War - Memory Practices in the ClassroomDr. Barbara ChristopheGeorg Eckert Institute for International Textbook ResearchMember of
The Role and Impact of the Memory of Past Violence on Contemporary Politics, Society, and Culture - (ckoroste)
The Role and Impact of the Memory of Past Violence on Contemporary Politics, Society, and CultureNov. 4th12PM – 1:30PMConference Room 5183The
The Confederate Flag and the Legacy of Slavery - (Catherine Ammen)
Watch the video on C-SPAN hereRSVP HereThis is part of an event series sponsored by the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution to dis
S-CAR Annual Welcome Picnic - Potluck - (Catherine Ammen)
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution cordially invites our students, faculty, alumni and staff to another year. This is a family
The Russia - Ukraine conflict: how it becomes possible and what we can expect in the future? - (ckoroste)
The Russia - Ukraine conflict: how it becomes possible and what we can expect in the future?Hosted by the Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Alex Cromwell: Stimulating Change for Building a Culture of Peace - (acromwe1)
Dissertation Proposal Defense - Alex CromwellStimulating Change for Building a Culture of Peace: The Long-Term Effects of the Benjamin Franklin
The Remembrance of Past Genocides: Education, Art, and Peace - (dirviner)
Speakers:Thomas La Pointe - Assistant Professor of Composition and Literature at Bergen Community CollegeNela Navarro - Member of the UNESCO Chair
The Remembrance of Past Genocides: The Darfur Case - (dirviner)
Speakers:Gregory H. Stanton - Director of Genocide WatchDaniel Rothbart - Professor of Conflict Analysis and ResolutionModerated byDouglas Irvin
S-CAR Convocation Ceremony - (lshaw2)
School for Conflict Analysis and ResolutionConvocation CeremonyTHURSDAY, MAY 146:30pmThe Center for the Arts (on the Fairfax Campus)Hello Graduates!
The Remembrance of Past Genocides: A Conversation on the Memories and Politics of Genocide - (tdestree)
Speakers:Thomas de Waal - Senior Associate in the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie EndowmentTamra Pearson d'Estree - Director of the
Louis Kriesberg: Realizing Peace - (kavruch)
Please join S-CAR in welcoming Louis Kriesberg in discussing his new book Realizing Peace: A Constructive Conflict Approach
Webinar: From Selma to St. Louis: Civil Resistance in Ferguson and Beyond - (Catherine Ammen)
From Selma to St. Louis: Civil Resistance in Ferguson and BeyondJoin S-CAR Staff to listen to this webinar over lunch!Conference Room 514512:00pm - 1
Thomas de Waal - Great Catastrophe: Armenians and Turks in the Shadow of Genocide - (ckoroste)
The Program on History, Memory, and Conflict is excited to welcome Thomas de Waal, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment, specializing
Book Launch: Alicia Pfund and Christopher Mitchell - (apfund)
Joint Book Launch with Christopher Mitchell and Alicia PfundPlease join S-CAR for a joint book launch to recognize two new publications: Alicia
John Burton Library Workshop Series- Hutu Diaspora's Narrative Identity: Identity in Conflict, Conflict of Identity. Claudine Kuradusenge, S-CAR - (ckuradus)
The John Burton Library and Resource Center Spring 2015 Research and Writing Workshop SeriesResearch in Action:Join us to hear and discuss about
Information Session - Brazil Field Experience Course - (Catherine Ammen)
Information Session - Brazil Field Experience Course Tuesday January 27th4:00pm - 5:00pm Metropolitan Building room 5000 Would
Spring Master's Orientation - (lshaw2)
We would like to welcome all of our incoming Spring 2015 Master's and Certificate students! Come and meet your incoming cohort members