Events by these Researchers
Dissertation Defense: Michael Loadenthal -The politics of the attack: a discourse of insurrectionary communiqués - (mloadenthal)
Dissertation Defense: Michael LoadenthalThe politics of the attack: a discourse of insurrectionary communiquésWednesday, April 1st2:00pm - 4:
Dissertation Defense - Jay Filipi: OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest - (J.Filipi)
Dissertation Defense: Jay Filipi OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Woodstock for capitalists: an urban tragedy of the post-industrial Midwest
The International Crisis Group: A policy-oriented approach to conflict resolution - (tlyons1)
The International Crisis Group: A policy-oriented approach to conflict resolution Tuesday, March 3rd12:30pm-2:00pmConference Room 5183How do
Undergraduate Brown Bag Lecture Series: Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia - (shirsch4)
Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia:Understanding Stakeholders and Change in Environmental ConflictDr. Susan Hirsch, Professor of Conflict Resolution
Dissertation Defense: Suliman A Giddo - The Voices Of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) And The Effectiveness Of The Peacekeeping Forces In Darfur - (s.giddo)
Dissertation Defense: Suliman A Giddo - The Voices Of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) And The Effectiveness Of The Peacekeeping Forces In
Does contemporary armed conflict have deep historical roots - (tlyons1)
Does contemporary armed conflict have deep historical roots?Tuesday, November 18th12:30pm - 2:00pmConference Room 5183Brown Bag with David Laitin,
Diaspora, Disasters & Donations: USAID and CIDI - (tlyons1)
Diaspora, Disasters & DonationsThe United States Agency for International Development Center for International Disaster Information (USAID CIDI)
2014 International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education - (jshedd)
Developing & Implementing Culturally Inclusive Conflict Resolution Education Policies & Practices in K-12 & H.E.June 11 – 16, 2014
The Importance of Winning: Victorious Insurgent Groups and Post Conflict Politics - (tlyons1)
Terrence Lyons participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where he presented on, “The Importance of Winning:
Africa as a Subordinate State System: Regional Dimensions of Conflict in the Horn of Africa - (tlyons1)
Terrence Lyons participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where he presented on Africa as a Subordinate State
BRICS, the 'West' - (tlyons1)
Terrence Lyons participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where he was a discussant on the panel “BRICS, the
Dissertation Defense - Khadija Ali: The Role of Hegemonies within African Regional Organization’s Interventions - (kali)
Dissertation Defense - Khadija AliThe Role of Hegemonies within African Regional Organization’s Interventions: A comparative study of Nigeria
The Egyptian Constitutional Referendum - The Divisiveness of the 98% - with Agnieszka Paczynska - (apaczyns)
Tuesday, March 18th2:00pm-3:30pmMetropolitan Building Room 5183
Undergraduate Program CONF 490 Research Showcase - (bbanning)
Join the S-CAR Undergraduate Program for the CONF 490 Research Showcase. Students will be presenting individual research projects for the
A Lens on Somalia: Security and Development Going Forward - Wilson Center - (tlyons1)
The Africa Program and Leadership Project are pleased to invite you to the Wilson Center on:Tuesday, November 19, 20139:30am-11:00am5th Floor
National Reconciliation and the Search for Peace and Stability in the Post-Arab Spring Middle East - (ifraihat)
National Reconciliation and the Search for Peace and Stability in the Post-Arab Spring Middle EastThursday, September 26th3:00 to 4:30Metropolitan
Dissertation Defense: Ashad Sentongo Re-imagining Decentralization: Improving of Relationships between Ethnic Groups and the State in Uganda - (asentongo)
Dissertation Defense: Ashad Sentongo Re-imagining Decentralization: Improving of Relationships between Ethnic Groups and the State in UgandaThursday
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Fatima Hadji - Social Mobilization in Morocco: February 20 movement, Local Tansikiyats, and the Struggle for Real Change? - (tlyons1)
Social Mobilization in Morocco: February 20 movement, Local Tansikiyats, and the Struggle for Real Change?Fatima HadjiTuesday, June 11; 10:00AM
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Phil Gamaghelyan - When Duality is Not Presumed: Interactive Problem Solving in Evolving Environments - (gamaghel)
When Duality is Not Presumed: Interactive Problem Solving in Evolving EnvironmentsJune 7th, Friday9:45am - 11:30PM7th Floor Conference RoomCommittee: