Events by these Researchers
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Practitioner Debriefing - (jgreiff)
Join the Center for Peacemaking Practice for a lunch conversation on:Practitioner DebriefingFriday, April 19th, 201312:00pm - 2:00pmArlington
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Lynn Underwood - (jgreiff)
Join the Center for Peacemaking Practice in welcomingDr. Lynn Underwoodfor a discussion on applying the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Daniel Buttry - (jgreiff)
Building up Civil Society to Lead a Peace Process:A Case Study of the Naga People in India and Burma, Seeking to End a 6-Decade Violent ConflictJoin
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Anthony Foreman - (jgreiff)
Join the Center for Peacemaking Practice in welcoming CARE International's:Anthony Foremanfor a discussion of CARE's program: Strengthening
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Carl Stauffer - (jgreiff)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Sports and Peacebuilding - (jgreiff)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Sustaining Change: Long-Term Effectiveness of Dialogue Programs in the South Caucasus - (sallen)
Dissertation Proposal Defense by Philip Gamaghelyan, PhD Candidate.
Implementing Experiential Learning at S-CAR: Discussion and Skill-Share - (shirsch4)
You are cordially invited to join the UELP (Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project) team on December 5th, 2012 at 2 pm (immediately following
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - The Ethics of Practice - (lshaw2)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Vern Redekop - (jgreiff)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Tatsushi Arai - (tatsushi.arai)
October 16th - Dr. Tatsushi Arai
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Making Peace Last with Dr. Robert Ricigliano - (jgreiff)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - the Insight Approach to Conflict Resolution - (mprice11)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
The Georgian-Russian Relationship: Perspectives from the Field - (sallen)
Please join S-CAR's Center for Peacemaking Practice and Dr. Susan Allen Nan's Applied Practice and Theory team on reflective practice in welcoming
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Engaging with Practice at S-CAR - (jgreiff)
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about
Dissertation Defense: Eleftherios Michael, Peacemaking in Cyprus: 1955 - 2011 - (eleftherios.michael)
In earlier efforts by many researchers to explain the breakdown of peacemaking initiatives to settle the Cyprus question, the focus has been
Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch Discussion: Creating a Community of Practice - (sallen)
Please join the Center for Peacemaking Practice for our second monthly lunch discussion: Creating a Community of Practice.This is an open invitation
Dissertation Defense, Judith Y Messier: Conflict in the Klamath Watershed and A Relationship Building Framework for Conflict Transformation - (jmessier)
This dissertation starts from an interest in protracted environmental conflict in the United States and takes the stance with respect to
Book Launch -- Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory - (abartoli)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) for the book launch of "Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory," by Susan
Dissertation Defense -- The Impact of Gender Mainstreaming on Men: The Case of Liberia - (Yves-Renee Jennings)
Many scholar-practitioners have studied gender mainstreaming as a policy tool to help achieve gender equality, but their work does not consider how