Events by these Researchers
Mason Spring Commencement 2017 - (lshaw2)
Mason Spring Commencement 2017Saturday, May 20, 201710:00amEagleBank ArenaFairfax Campus The 50th Annual George Mason University
S-CAR Degree Celebration 2017 - (lshaw2)
S-CAR Degree CelebrationThursday, May 18, 2017 at 6:30pmConcert Hall, Fairfax Campus S-CAR Degree celebration is for celebration and individual
The Career Plans Survey - (mabdalla)
Congratulations on your graduation from George Mason University! What is the Career Plans Survey?A 3-minute survey for all graduating students
S-CAR Advisory Board Reception - (mseniw)
Join us for an evening of networking, open house tours of Point of View, and keynote remarks from Tom Davis, member of the U.S. House of
Celebrating Spring at Point of View - (sjafari)
JOIN USCelebrating Spring at Point of ViewSunday, April 2, 20171:00pm - 4:00pmPoint of View International Retreat and Research Center7301 Old Spring
Zuela: A Social Networking Application Focused on Political Engagement and Good Governance - (fchivucu)
Zuela: A Social Networking Application Focused on Political Engagement and Good GovernanceFriday, February 24, 2017 12:00PM - 2:00PM
SCHAR / S-CAR Career Fair - (mabdalla)
2017 SCHAR / S-CAR Graduate Career and Internship FairIt's that time of the year again! There will be a Career Fair at the Arlington Campus in
S-CAR Spring Orientation - (lshaw2)
Welcome Incoming Students!We would like to welcome all of our incoming Spring 2017 Graduate students! We look forward to meeting you. Come and meet
S-CAR Alumni Happy Hour - (mseniw)
S-CAR Alumni Happy HourTuesday, December 27, 20167:00-10:00pmLiberty Tavern3195 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201 With many alumni in the DC
Winter Graduation Celebration Luncheon - (lshaw2)
Celebrate Winter Graduation With S-CAR! Winter graduates and their families are invited to celebrate your accomplishments at a luncheon hosted by S-
S-CAR Information Session - (lshaw2)
S-CAR Information Session Please join us for an informal discussion with an S-CAR admissions representative. Gain insight and have your
Daffodil Planting Party at POV - (mschoeny)
Daffodil Planting Party at Point of View!Sunday, October 30, 20161PM-3PMPoint of View International Research and Retreat Center7301 Old Spring
S-CAR Internship Showcase - (lshaw2)
S-CAR 2016 Internship Showcase Tired of looking for internships online? Ready to launch your career? Join us for the annual S-CAR Internship
S-CAR Open House Preview Day - (lshaw2)
S-CAR Open House Preview Day Please join us for an informal discussion with the S-CAR admissions representative, faculty and staff of the
Tree Planting Memorial for Andrew Baer - (mseniw)
We cordially invite friends and family ofAndrew Baer, '10, MS'14For a dedication and memorial tree planting at Point of View. Sunday,
S-CAR Alumni Brunch! - (mseniw)
Join Kevin Avruch and fellow S-CAR alumni for a networking and social brunch at Ovvio Osteria in Merrifield, VA! We are offering a prix fixe menu of
John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop Series- Grant Writing - (mtepper)
Welcome to the Fall 2016John Burton Library Research and Writing Workshop SeriesPlease Join us for our first session onGrant Writingwith Maria SeniwS
S-CAR Information Session - (lshaw2)
S-CAR Information Session Please join us for an informal discussion with an S-CAR admissions representative. Gain insight and have your
Graduate Certificate Year-End Celebration and Reunion - (mschoeny)
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution invites you to the annualGraduate Certificate year-end celebration!This year also marks the 10th
Admitted Student's Open House - (bscott19)
Join S-CAR in welcoming students admitted to the Fall 2016 cohort. Activities include a campus tour, class visits, and presentations from various