What is an SLI
The Service Learning Intensives being offered at S-CAR combine the most valuable aspects of other professional and academic experiences in order to provide the student with a meaningful learning opportunity while providing a partner organization and its community with a valuable service.
It will be an internship, a community service program and a study abroad utilizing formal study, observation and reflection, formal and informal engagement to bring the expertise of local partners and students together so that they can learn from each other and grow.
The goal is for each student and partner participant, through this experience, to gain a deeper understanding of conflict, and to develop or hone conflict resolution skills.
Previous Trips
- Approaches to Conflict Management and Resolution: Field Work with Syrian Refugees in Jordan - Spring 2017
- Brazil - Summer 2016
- Indonesia - Gender and Conflict - Winter 2017
- Indonesia - Research Methods - Summer 2016
- Malta - Bridging Differences: Migration in the Mediterranean Spring 2017
- Northern Ireland - Summer 2016
- Reflective Practice in Israel/Palestine Winter 2017
- Spain: From Victimhood to Social Justice Basque Country Spring 2017
- The Balkans - Summer 2016