TechChange- Institute for Technology and Social Change


TechChange- Institute for Technology and Social Change


TechChange partners with universities, organizations and software developers to train leaders to leverage emerging technologies for social change.


TechChange envisions a world where a highly trained corps of creative and tech-savvy professionals can effectively and quickly respond to the most critical humanitarian, development and peacebuilding challenges of our time.

21st century tools require 21st century training.

Every day new technologies are being developed to transform conflicts, fight diseases, monitor elections, provide microcredit loans, distribute food, respond to disasters, and much more. Unfortunately, practitioners are often either unaware of relevant tools or inadequately prepared to apply them in their work. From facilitating face-to-face courses to developing online simulations, our educational and consulting activities are designed to foster dynamic and practical learning communities.


Adjunct Professor
M.S. Student
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