Bridget Moix

Bridget Moix


Bridget Moix Comes to S-CAR after 15 years working on peacebuilding and violent conflict prevention issues mostly at the national (US) and international policy levels, with some experience in community level peace work. She most recently led the foreign policy lobbying team at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a Quaker lobby in the public interest in Washington, DC, and has also served with Oxfam America, the Quaker United Nations Office (New York), Casa de los Amigos (Mexico), and the Quaker Peace Centre (South Africa). Bridget has taught courses on the role of religion in war and peace, and development and peacebuilding. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University. Bridget plans to focus her studies on questions related to preventing mass atrocities and war, improving nonviolent mechanisms for civilian protection, and supporting local capacities for peace first. Bridget also serves on the board of Peace Direct US. Bridget and her partner Alberto have two young sons who challenge all their conflict resolution skills on a daily basis.

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In every violent conflict, no matter how entrenched and seemingly hopeless, there are always people choosing peace. Why do some individuals and groups actively opt out of violence and work for peace, while many around them do not? What motivates them toward such...
Category: Doctoral Dissertation
August 01, 2013
The research team (called the Applied Practice and Theory – APT) at George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, in collaboration with the Genocide Prevention Program (GPP), is pleased to dedicate its inaugural report, “...
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November 27, 2013
The Genocide Prevention Integration Applied Prac­tice and Theory (APT) aims at integrating early warning systems
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July 01, 2013
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Dissertation Defense - Bridget M. Moix Choosing Peace: Local Peacebuilder Perspectives on Agency, Relational Responsibility, and the Future of International PeacebuildingWednesday, November 9th, 20161:30pm to 3:30pmMetropolitan Building, Room 5145School for Conflict Analysis &
November 09, 2016
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Bridget Moix - Choosing Peace: A Collaborative Study of Peace AgencyNovember 21, 11 am - 1 pmRoom 5000Abstract: Choosing Peace: A Collaborative Study of Peace AgencyBridget Moix, November 2014In every violent conflict, no matter how entrenched and seemingly hopeless,
November 21, 2014
Please join us for afternoon tea with Liberian peacebuilder Nat Walker to hear about his work onCommunity-Based Early Warning and Response: Lessons from Liberia Monday, August 194:00pmConference Room 5138  Since 2010, the Liberia Peacebuilding Office with support from Humanity United
August 19, 2013
David Bucura will discuss the impact of Healing and Rebuilding Our Community (HROC) in Central Africa through the lens of transformative mediation for reconciliation and the cultural impact of Children’s Peace Libraries. (Brown Bag)Tuesday April 16th 12:00-1:30pmTruland Building 555
April 16, 2013
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