Charles Martin-Shields

Charles Martin-Shields
Fulbright-Clinton Fellow; Samoan Ministry of Communications on Technology and Information Policy

PhD, Visiting Scholar, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University


Dr. Charles P. Martin-Shields is a Visiting Scholar in the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. His research broadly explores how information technology affects political processes and public policy.

Dr. Martin-Shields' dissertation looked at how individuals in crisis-affected settings determined which sources of information were authoritative enough to act on, and how social, economic and political factors affected those decisions. The dissertation was based on surveys in Kenya and Samoa that yielded new data on which sources and mediums people turn to for information during political and social crises. He has a new article forthcoming in International Studies Perspectives that uses qualitative data from the Samoan case study to identify how political geography affects information use and trust, and is currently preparing a larger paper on the comparative political geography of information use in Kenya and Samoa based on his survey data.

During the 2016-17 academic year he will be completing two new papers, one on the economics of technology use in UN peace operations and the second on the comparative politics of innovation and technology adoption in international organizations. He has published articles on technology, public policy and peacebuilding in Business Peace and Sustainable Development, The Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. Stability, and The Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.

Outside academia he remains active in applied research and policy development, consulting with the International Security and Development Centre and World Bank Group, as well as being a Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow (2013-1

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Title Published Date
December 20, 2016
This collection of articles contributes to the growing body of research on how technology is affecting peacebuilding, peace and conflict studies, and research methodologies in the field. Assumptions about the use of technology for peace are interrogated, such as...
Category: Journal Article
July 28, 2016
While information communication technologies (ICTs) have been innovatively used in crisis response and violence prevention by organizations for the last 7-10 years, there is relatively little theory and research into why and how these technologies affect socio-...
Category: Doctoral Dissertation
June 01, 2016
The use of information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure for peacebuilding has been an increasingly critical part of the peace making toolkit of governments, multilaterals and civil society. One of the key challenges that governance organizations...
Category: Journal Article
December 16, 2014
The expansion of access to mobile phones in the developing world has provided new opportunities for development and peacebuilding institutions to reach communities, and for communities to develop local development and peacebuilding solutions. Kenya has seen a...
Category: Journal Article
November 12, 2013
This paper will critically explore why mobile phones have drawn so much interest from the conflict management community in Kenya, and develop a general set of factors to explain why mobile phones can have a positive effect on conflict prevention efforts...
Category: Journal Article
July 26, 2013
The growth of mobile phone technology and Internet access globally has affected peoples’ lives in various ways. For the field of governance and conflict management, this has meant unprecedented levels of information sharing from within conflict and crisis...
Category: Journal Article
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Title Event Datesort icon
When Information Becomes Action: How Information Communication Technologies Affect Collective Action During Crises Commitee: Thomas Edward Flores (Chair), Agnieszka Paczynska, and Todd LaPorte.Over the last 10 years, the dramatic increase in access to information communications technologies (
July 28, 2016
Where Technology Meets Trust: The Social Context of Technology, Information and Peacebuilding.Charles Martin-Shields, Research Fellow, Institute for Economics and Peace.
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Dissertation Proposal Defense: Charles Martin-Shields - When Information Becomes Action: How social and political factors affect information technology (ICT) use during crisisTuesday, Dec. 9th 12:00pm-2:00pmConference Room 5145 Abstract: While information communication technologies (ICTs
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