Douglas Irvin-Erickson

Douglas Irvin-Erickson
Assistant Professor and Director of the Genocide Prevention Program
Website: Click Here

Ph.D. Global Affairs, Rutgers University, 2014
M.A. Literature, Rutgers University, 2011


Douglas Irvin-Erickson has worked in the field of genocide studies and atrocity prevention in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Cambodia, Myanmar, Ukraine, and Argentina. He is the author of books, chapters, and articles on genocide, religion and violence, human security, international criminal law, and political theory. His current research includes a book on the life and works of Raphael Lemkin, the originator of the word "genocide" who authored the UN Genocide Convention (UPenn Press, 2017)Irvin-Erickson also serves as Editor of Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, the official publication of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. He holds a Ph.D. in Global Affairs from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and an M.A. in English Literature.

Awards and Honors
Directors of U.S. College and University Centers for Holocaust Studies
Douglas S Irvin-Erickson was named to the Directors of U.S. College and University Centers for Holocaust Studies, Genocide Prevention, and Human Rights Higher Education Leadership Initiative —...
Executive Board of the Institute for the Study of Genocide
Douglas S Irvin-Erickson was appointed to the executive board of the Institute for the Study of Genocide, the oldest and foremost institute of its kind in the US.
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Topics vary; they are announced each academic year.
This course will provide students an experiential opportunity to consider the relationship between social science theories and conflict analysis...
Introduces students to the philosophies behind social science research and the methods for conducting research in the field of conflict resolution...
Readings and research conducted on individual basis in consultation with instructor.
Terrorism is a significant factor in conflict worldwide, yet the underlying causes and conditions that give rise to terrorist activity are often...
Covers deeply rooted, intractable, or protracted social conflicts around core issues of identity, including race,...
Through this course students will utilize critical thinking and analytical skills to begin an in-depth examination of the major theories of...
Brief history of field, survey of key conflict resolution themes and theories, and intervention methods. Overview includes general factors of...
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Title Published Date
December 13, 2016
The chapter presents an over view of the history of the principle of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)—both in terms of the history of the concept in current usage and practice, and the broader roots of the concept in political theory. The chapter argues...
Category: Book Chapter
November 04, 2016
Raphaël Lemkin (1900-1959) coined the word "genocide" in the winter of 1942 and led a movement in the United Nations to outlaw the crime, setting his sights on reimagining human rights institutions and humanitarian law after World War II. After the UN...
Category: Book
This volume explores how religious leaders can contribute to cultures of peace around the world. The essays are written by leading and emerging scholars and practitioners who have lived, taught, or worked in the areas of conflict about which they write. Connecting...
Category: Book
September 09, 2016
Category: Book Chapter
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Title Published Date
January 23, 2017
One spoon. One paragraph. That’s all it took to send Željana Varga on a research mission that not only broke new
Category: Newspaper Article

January 15, 2016
Poverty, inequality and global conflict are issues that remain under-prioritised, said President of Malta Marie-Louise
Category: Newspaper Article

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Title Event Datesort icon
Turning the Other into a BrotherThursday, February 23, 20175:30PM - 6:30PMMetropolitan Building, Room 5183The talk: “Turning the Other into a Brother” is based on Janessa Gans Wilder’s experience while working as a CIA analyst in Iraq from 2003-2005. She shares a personal
February 23, 2017
Please join S-CAR in recognizing Douglas Irvin-Erickson's new book titled Raphaël Lemkin and the  Concept of GenocideWednesday, February 1, 20176 pm to 8:30 pmMetropolitan Building Room 5183Keynote remarks byDr. Peter PhanEllacuria Chair & Distinguished ProfessorGeorgetown
February 01, 2017
PEACE MUSEUMS WORLDWIDE:GIVING PEACE A CHANCEa lecture and discussionwith Joyce Apsel, New York Universityon her new bookThursday, October 272 pm to 4 pmatThe School for Conflict Analysis andResolution,
October 27, 2016
Film Screening and Discussion:  Genocide in RwandaIn 1994, Rwanda was falling apart, and the world silently watched as men, women, and children were massacred because of their ethnic identity.Every year, commemorative events known as Kwibuka, meaning “Remember” are held to pay
April 07, 2016
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution to  an event to remember and reflect on genocide around the world. By exploring themes such as the current framing on genocide and its legal impact,the post conflict trauma healing processes and perpetrators reintegrating into the
April 04, 2016
Speakers:Thomas La Pointe - Assistant Professor of Composition and Literature at Bergen Community CollegeNela Navarro - Member of the UNESCO Chair for Genocide Prevention Executive Committee at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human RightsPatricia Maulden - Professor of Conflict Resolution
May 19, 2015
Speakers:Gregory H. Stanton - Director of Genocide WatchDaniel Rothbart - Professor of Conflict Analysis and ResolutionModerated byDouglas Irvin-Erickson - Director of The Genocide Prevention Program at George Mason UniversityThe Genocide Prevention
May 19, 2015
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