Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson is pursuing a Master of Science degree from The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) at George Mason University. His thesis seeks to examine the convergence of post-conflict political economy and the rule of Islamic law. Eric has managed a variety of cultural and citizen diplomacy initiatives and has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East. Eric regularly contributes to Foreign Policy Association's Global Affairs Blog Network, conducts research on North America, Europe, and the Middle East for Wikistrat, and is a member of the organizing team for the Muslim Jewish Conference. Eric received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware where he majored in International Relations with a concentration on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East
Eric Johnson is pursuing a Master of Science degree from The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) at George Mason University. His thesis seeks to examine the convergence of post-conflict political economy and the rule of Islamic law. Eric has managed a variety of cultural and citizen diplomacy initiatives and has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East. Eric regularly contributes to Foreign Policy Association's Global Affairs Blog Network, conducts research on North America, Europe, and the Middle East for Wikistrat, and is a member of the organizing team for the Muslim Jewish Conference. Eric received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware where he majored in International Relations with a concentration on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East

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