Jessica Cooley

Jessica Cooley
MS Alumna


Jessica graduated with a B.A in Psychology in 2002, from Purchase College, NY, where she was awarded for her “Outstanding Undergraduate Research” from the Dept. of Psychology. Jessica has continued her studies, focusing on Non-Violent Communication, Peace Studies and Socially Engaged Buddhism, holding certificates as an Integral Peacemaker, Mediator, and Restorative Justice Facilitator. For several years she has also taught Adult Anger and Conflict Management, as well as communication skills in a multitude of settings. Jessica is currently in her second year of graduate studies at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) at George Mason University in Northern Virginia. At ICAR, Jessica's main interests have been in genocide studies and narrative analysis, while conducting research on post genocide Peacebuilding and Rescuers from the 1994 Rwandan genocide.



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October 27, 2016
In 1994 a wave of mass killings swept through the small country of Rwanda—Hutu extremists orchestrating a campaign of extermination against Tutsis. But an unknown number of Hutu civilians resisted demands by the state military and local militias to deliver...
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An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
May 03, 2011
Come Participate in a FREE pilot Couple's and Conflict Resolution Workshop!This workshop will take a narrative approach, exploring how the stories we tell about our partners and ourselves create and perpetuate the conflicts we find ourselves in. Topics include:•    Introduction
April 23, 2011
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
April 21, 2011
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
February 22, 2011
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.Feel free to bring your lunch!
January 13, 2011
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
December 07, 2010
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
November 17, 2010
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
November 04, 2010
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings.
October 28, 2010
An opportunity for prospective students to come and learn about George Mason's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's various programs and offerings. 
October 04, 2010
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