Melissa Durham

Melissa Durham
PhD Graduate

PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, 2016


Melissa earned a B.A. with Distinction in Scholastic Achievement from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2005, majoring in Political Science and Economics and receiving a Certificate in European Studies. She also completed a Certificate in French from the University of Paris-La Sorbonne in 2003, which she renewed in 2009. Melissa was one of a few elite students accepted into the Accelerated Master's Degree Program at the LaFollette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she earned her Master's Degree in International Public Affairs in 2006, specializing in International Development, International Business and Government, and Public Management and Administration. The same year, she also served as a Graduate Fellow in the U.S. Embassy in Colombo-Sri Lanka covering post-tsunami reconstruction, child soldiers in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, prisoner rights issues, and women's and children's issues. Upon returning to the United States, she volunteered for with the US branch of a Sri Lankan NGO, Sarvodaya. Melissa then served as a Legislative Assistant to a Wisconsin State Senator, staffing the Senate Committee on Small Business, Emergency Preparedness, Workforce Development, Technical Colleges, and Consumer Protection. In 2007, she moved to Washington D.C. to join the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government and, in 2008, started her Ph.D. program. She participated in a George Mason University study abroad program entitled Environmental and Geopolitical Conflicts in Israel and the Palestinian Territories in 2010 and in 2011, attended the UN-mandated University for Peace's Environmental Security Assessments trai

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Title Published Date
May 04, 2016
This dissertation focuses on transboundary river water disputes and collaboration in the Arab world, and the role of the League of Arab States (LAS)—more commonly referred to as the Arab League—in these interactions to improve our understanding of how...
Category: Doctoral Dissertation
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Dissertation Defense: Melissa DurhamThe Arab League's Role In International River Water Conflicts And Cooperation, 1945-2014Wednesday, May 4th 11:00am - 1:00pmMetropolitan Building Room 5145CommitteeDr. Agnieszka Paczynska (Chair)Dr. Sandra Cheldelin, Committee MemberDr. Daniel Sklarew,
May 04, 2016
Dissertation Proposal DefenseMelissa Kay Durham Monday, November 17; 20141:30 pmRoom 5000, Metropolitan BuildingThe Arab League's Role in Interstate Transboundary River Water Conflicts and Cooperation:1943-2013Chronic water scarcity in the Arab world, one of the globe's most
November 17, 2014
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International Studies Association Northeast Regional Conference, Embassy Suites Baltimore. November 5, 2016.  Baltimore, Maryland.
November 05, 2016
Conflict Resolution Symposium, Saint Paul University. February 1, 2013. Ottawa, Canada.
February 01, 2013
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