Michael Lewis
Mr. Mike Lewis joined the faculty at the Command and Staff College in 2013 upon retirement from the United States Army. From 2008-2013 he served as the USSOCOM Special Operations Chair to the Marine Corps University preceded by a tour on the Joint Staff, Deputy Director for Special Operations, J-3 where he served as an Action Officer and Chief, Sensitive Activities Branch. As an Assistant Professor of Strategic Studies, he teaches Security Studies curriculum to military officers from the U.S. and other nations, as well as national security professionals from other U.S. government departments and agencies. In addition to security and national policy specific courses, Mr. Lewis also teaches courses on insurgency from an insurgent's perspective and counterinsurgency theory and practice. He often presents at conferences on special operations, counterinsurgency, human networks, and terrorism, and routinely guest lectures at George Mason University in support of courses in foreign policy, conflict analysis, and insurgency. Mr. Lewis’ recent publications include “Special Operations and Instability: A Military Investment Strategy,” chapter in D. Richards & G. Mills (Eds.), Victory Among People: Lessons From Countering Insurgency and Stabilising Fragile States published by RUSI and a review of DuBois, J. R. (2012), “Powerful Peace: A Navy Seal’s Lessons on Peace from a Lifetime at War” in the Journal of Military Ethics, 11(3).
Mr. Lewis holds a B.S. in Biology Education from Oregon State University, a M.S. in Computing Technology in Education from Nova Southeastern University, and he is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. His current field of research is focused on identifying and describing the dominant discourse that shapes and controls military approaches to conflict analysis and resolution.
Areas of Interest: • The role of discourse and narrative in military institutions• Special Operations theory and practice
• Counterinsurgency, Counterterrorism and Irregular Conflict
• Social movements and the role of the individual
• Critical theories of conflict analysis and resolution
Bio taken from: http://www.mcu.usmc.mil/Pages/faculty_pages/CSC/Michael-Lewis.aspx
Mr. Mike Lewis joined the faculty at the Command and Staff College in 2013 upon retirement from the United States Army. From 2008-2013 he served as the USSOCOM Special Operations Chair to the Marine Corps University preceded by a tour on the Joint Staff, Deputy Director for Special Operations, J-3 where he served as an Action Officer and Chief, Sensitive Activities Branch. As an Assistant Professor of Strategic Studies, he teaches Security Studies curriculum to military officers from the U.S. and other nations, as well as national security professionals from other U.S. government departments and agencies. In addition to security and national policy specific courses, Mr. Lewis also teaches courses on insurgency from an insurgent's perspective and counterinsurgency theory and practice. He often presents at conferences on special operations, counterinsurgency, human networks, and terrorism, and routinely guest lectures at George Mason University in support of courses in foreign policy, conflict analysis, and insurgency. Mr. Lewis’ recent publications include “Special Operations and Instability: A Military Investment Strategy,” chapter in D. Richards & G. Mills (Eds.), Victory Among People: Lessons From Countering Insurgency and Stabilising Fragile States published by RUSI and a review of DuBois, J. R. (2012), “Powerful Peace: A Navy Seal’s Lessons on Peace from a Lifetime at War” in the Journal of Military Ethics, 11(3).
Mr. Lewis holds a B.S. in Biology Education from Oregon State University, a M.S. in Computing Technology in Education from Nova Southeastern University, and he is currently a Doctoral Candidate in t

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