Mohammed Cherkaoui

Mohammed Cherkaoui

Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
M.S., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Graduate Studies, International Relations, The London School of Economics (LSE), London


Mohammed Cherkaoui is adjunct faculty at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution where his research primarily focuses on the split of social groups, transformation of the enmity system, and the impact of the media narratives on social change. Before earning his PhD from GMU, He was dealing first hand with various dynamics of wars and conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa namely the Gulf War, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Algeria's civil war, and the Iraqi War. He has been a media practitioner at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London, the Voice of America (VOA) and ANA television in Washington. He is the recipient of eleven professional awards for excellence in journalism including The Voice of America Employee of the Year (2000) and the Meritorious Award (2004).

Since 2006, Dr. Cherkaoui has expanded his career into peace journalism with Internews Europe in Israel and the Palestinian Territories where he conducted a series of training workshops for journalists on alternative orientation toward some win-win solutions, humanization of all parties and exposure of untruths on all sides, within the framework of the media as critical reflective practice. His recent publications include "The Palestinian Media at the Crossroads: Challenges and Expectations", (Elamona, April 2011) and "Civilians and Modern War: Armed Conflict and the Ideology of Violence", a co-edited volume with Dr. Daniel Rothbart and Dr. Karina Korostelina (Routledge-March 2012). Dr. Cherkaoui is currently working on projects investigating dynamics of transformative power, f

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Introductory skill-building course integrating conflict theory and practice using reflective practitioner model. Students learn necessary skills...
Topics vary; they are announced each academic year.
Taken in last semester of master’s student course work. Assists in developing students’ own theories of conflict and conflict...
Examines major theories of conflict causation and motivation. Emphasizes need for theories to inform processes of conflict resolution. Weaves...
Examines selected topics relating to analysis or resolution of conflict. Topics vary but may include historical...
Terrorism is a significant factor in conflict worldwide, yet the underlying causes and conditions that give rise to terrorist activity are often...
Covers conflict at macro level, introducing theories of international and global violence and conflict, drawing from...
Through this course students will utilize critical thinking and analytical skills to begin an in-depth examination of the major theories of...
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Title Published Date
August 23, 2016
The war of narratives between Trump and Clinton has revealed some deep ideological contrast and personal animosity between two very ambitious presidential candidates. Ironically, the Obama Doctrine remains a catalyst factor in shaping their political and...
Category: Papers & Reports
April 15, 2016
Book Abstract:Political sociology has struggled with predicting the next turn of transformation in the MENA countries after the 2011 Uprisings. The challenge is how Arabs would reorganize the relationship between tradition, religion, reason, and state. By adopting...
Category: Book
April 26, 2012
This research focuses on how we should define the energy that empowers rebellion and generates appealing frames and imposes change, and whether one can claim some correlation between this bottom-up shift and weak leadership, institutional fatigue, public...
Category: Doctoral Dissertation
March 26, 2012
This book explores the issue of civilian devastation in modern warfare, focusing on the complex processes that effectively establish civilians’ identity in times of war.Underpinning the physicality of war’s tumult are structural forces that create...
Category: Book
March 26, 2012
The enormous body of literature on the militarism of nations centers on the tumultuous encounters of martial forces, the political events preced­ing such encounters, and the cessation of hostilities with victory declared by one side. In recent years, scholars...
Category: Book Chapter
March 26, 2012
In his Chapter 9 “In the shadow of soldiers: Faceless victims in public media narrative,” Mohammed D. Cherkaoui examines the complexity of reporting civilian deaths in war zones beyond the classic statistical count of nameless victims and the increases...
Category: Book Chapter
March 26, 2012
In his Chapter 10 “Civilians, pundits, and the mediatized ideology,” Cherkaoui analyzes the impact of the cognitive frames, language, and public debate which have undermined the formulation of a civilian counter-narrative in relation to the...
Category: Book Chapter
March 26, 2012
Can the plight of civilians in war be improved? Can martial forces adopt and implement policies that transcend parochial national interests and that override the polarizing militaristic framing of war—victory/defeat, allies/enemy, costs/benefits? Can the...
Category: Book Chapter
The main goal of the study is to define effective ways of transforming and reforming the Palestinian media outlets through foreign aid. Without a reliable assessment of the needs of various media organizations (public versus privately-owned, professionally-...
Category: Papers & Reports
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Title Published Date
August 19, 2013
The open-ended showdown between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Army-Tamarroud [Rebel] Movement alliance has showcased
Category: Newsletter Article

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December 18, 2012
Mohammed Cherkaoui's interview with Moroccan 2M TV about his co-edited book "Civilians and Modern War" in
Category: Television Appearances

May 21, 2010
Here is a belated (on my part) post form our own Mohammed Cherkaoui, who returns to Confrontations with another
Category: Magazine Article

April 16, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC – In June 2006, I led a series of workshops for Palestinian journalists in Ramallah, West Bank. I
Category: Newspaper Article

April 15, 2010
This is a special day here at Confrontations. We have the first example of a guest contributor who is using this
Category: Magazine Article

April 16, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC – In June 2006, I led a series of workshops for Palestinian journalists in Ramallah, West Bank. I
Category: Newspaper Article

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Civilians and Modern War: Armed Conflict and the Ideology of Violence, Edited by Daniel Rothbart, Karina V. Korostelina, and Mohammed CherkaouiYou're Invited to a Book Launch Celebration on the Evening of Tuesday November 27th at 7:15-9:15PM - in the Arlington Truland Building, 3330 N. Washington
November 27, 2012
This research focuses on how we should define the energy that empowers rebellion and generates appealing frames and imposes change, and whether one can claim some correlation between this bottom-up shift and weak leadership, institutional fatigue, public discontent, or social malaise. As seen now
April 26, 2012
The devastation of civilians in contemporary conflicts represents a humanitarian disaster of stunning proportions. The current ratio of military to civilian casualties is approximately one to eight while 90% of wars are civil wars in the new century. Such devastation is systematically embedded
March 27, 2009
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