Tobias Greiff

Tobias Greiff
Visiting Scholar & Adjunct Faculty
Website: Click Here

PhD candidate Political Science & International Relations, University of Erfurt, Erfurt (GER)
M.A. Political Science & History, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (GER)
Certificate in Peace and Conflict Resolution, American University, Washington DC


I am a Professorial Lecturer in International Affairs at the Elliott School for International Affairs at George Washington University, an Instructor for International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University in Washington, DC; as well as a Visiting Scholar and Adjunct Instructor at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. Next to these appointments I am a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Previous to that I held Visiting Researcher appointments at the Department of Government and the Department of Psychology at Georgetown University, Washington, DC and was a Visiting Fellow at the Balkan Institute for Conflict Resolution, Responsibility, and Reconciliation at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology.

I have studied and researched international relations, modern history, political science, peace and conflict resolution, cultural psychology and social geography at various international universities, including Georgetown University (USA), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (GER), Technische Universität München (GER), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL), the University of Erfurt (GER), and American University in Washington, DC; supported through scholarships and grants provided by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the FAZit Foundation.

My current research is focused on the emergence of political agency and power in the immediate aftermath of large-scale intergroup conflicts and how the distribution and negotiation processes of power influence the stability of peace settlements (mainly in Bosnia and Herze

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These 1- and 2-credit courses are scheduled non-conventionally using weekends, concentrated presentations, and intersession periods to develop...
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Title Published Date
May 19, 2015
This article will present a new way of capturing highly dynamic intergroup differentiation processes through applying a spatial perspective. Drawing from my experiences collected during several field research visits to Bosnia aimed at assessing Post-...
Category: Journal Article
 English Title: Identity and Truth Claims: The Functions of Symbols in the Peace Process in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Category: Book
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Bosnian Spring? Understanding Social Conflict in Post-Dayton Bosnia with Tobias GreiffCenter for Narrative and Conflict ResolutionApril 29th 2:00-4:00pmThe Metropolitan Building 3434 N. Washington Blvd, Room 5145 Arlington, VA 22201In the shadow of the international attention towards the
April 29, 2014
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