Presentations and Proceedings Roster
Date:March 5, 2012
Abstract:She gave a talk at the Radio Svoboda−Ukraine on “Ukraine — a Colony for Political and Business Elite.
Date:March 14-16, 2012
Abstract:She also presented her paper titled “Role of History Education in Identity-Based Conflicts” at the Workshop on Historical Discourse in...
Date:March 24, 2012
Abstract:She was also the keynote speaker and panel moderator on “The Role of Higher Education in Solving Global Problems” on March 24 at the...
Date:March 23, 2012
Abstract:On March 23, she was a co-leader of “Constructive Engagement of Conflict” on the Leadership Legacy program for selected next-generation...
Date:March 22. 2012
Abstract:Sandy Cheldelin was the invited luncheon speaker at the Women’s National Democratic Club on March 22 to talk about her book “Women Waging...
Date:March 19, 2012
Abstract:In March, he also participated in the Peace and Conflict Studies Workshop at the University of Notre Dame. This workshop was designed to compare...
Date:March 12, 2012
Abstract:Bartoli delivered a talk in March at the Genocide Prevention Advisory Network meeting at The Hague organized by the Genocide Prevention Program at...
Date:February 16 - 17, 2012
Abstract:Andrea Bartoli participated in the Basque Model conference held in Bilbao, Spain onFeb. 16-17. This conference provided a forum to critically...
Date:February 24-25, 2012
Abstract:She was an invited guest to a seminar on “The Gendered Liberal Arts? Femininity, Masculinity and the Future of Liberal Education”...
Date:February 15, 2012
Abstract:Cheldelin was a panelist at Howard Community College in Pennsylvania on using community conferencing as a restorative justice strategy to address...
Date:9 -10 February, 2012
Abstract:Sandra Cheldelin was the invited presenter at the Academic Chairpersons Annual Meeting in Orlando on Feb. 9-10. Her two half-day sessions were on...
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