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The Role of Music in Conflict Resolution
Presentations and Proceedings
The Role of Music in Conflict Resolution
Presenter: Filipi, James, Erol, Ali
Type: Panel Presentation
Place: University of Massachussetts Boston
Meeting Name: The Eighth Biennial Conference for Graduate Students Studying Conflict: Conflict Studies: The New Generation of Ideas
All Researcher: Kiran Bains, Shelley Bobb, Ali Erol, James Filipi, Grace Onyema Okoye
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Date: 10/23/2010
Presenter / Contributor:
James Filipi, Ali Ersen Erol
Language and Communication
"Dwogo Paco" and "Formerly Abducted": The Impact of Language on Reintegration in Northern Uganda
Kiran Bains The New School University
Jurgen Habermas’ Theories Of Communication
Shelley Bobb Marquette University
Trigger Words: Exploring the Core of Conflicting Discourses
Ali Erol George Mason University
The Role of Music in Conflict Resolution
James Filipi George Mason University
The Role of Face in Negotiation
Grace Onyema Okoye Nova Southeastern University