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Corruption and conflict in the South Caucasus
Papers and Reports
Natalia Mirimanova
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Ph.D, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Topics of Interest:
Problem Solving Workshops, Caucasus, Capacity Building, Central Europe, Civil Society, Program Design, Eastern Europe, Program Implementation, Conflict Resolution, Research, Culture, DDR, Training, Development, Russia, Dialogue, Dispute Resolution, Education, Western Europe, Identity, Post-Conflict, International Relations, Mediation, Negotiation, PeaceBuilding, Politics, Youth
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Corruption and conflict in the South Caucasus
Author: Natalia Mirimanova
Editor: Diana Klein
Series: Papers and Reports
ISSN: 1-898702-72-1
URL: Click here
Published Date:
January 2006
International Alert
Topics of Interest:
Caucasus, Anti-Corruption, Central Europe, Civil Society, Eastern Europe, Russia, Economic Development, Western Europe, Justice, Politics, Security, Transparency
This report is the product of field research and subsequent analysis carried out between July 2004 and July 2005 by a team of researchers from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as well as Nagorny Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia across the South Caucasus, facilitated by International Alert. Based on a series of one-to-one interviews and focus groups with a wide range of stakeholders, it examines the connections between corruption and frozen conflicts in the South Caucasus region, exploring corruption on all sides. It is the first systematic study of corruption from the perspective of conflict analysis and the first to include the unrecognised entities of the region.
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