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A War to Sustainable Positive Peace Framework: Implications for Operations, Training, & Leader Development
Papers and Reports
James Adams
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Doctorate of Philosophy, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Topics of Interest:
Budgeting, Capacity Building, Central Africa, Democracy and Democratization, Central Asia, Monitoring, Civil Society, Civil War, East Africa, Facilitation, Program Design, Conflict Mainstreaming, Eastern Europe, Program Implementation, Conflict Resolution, Research, DDR, Training, Program Administration, Economic Development, West Africa, Gender, Health, Human Rights, Intelligence, Organizational Development, Post-Conflict, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Management, Military, PeaceBuilding, Refugees, Violence, Youth
A War to Sustainable Positive Peace Framework: Implications for Operations, Training, & Leader Development
This is a concept paper. Its overall purpose is to discuss the viability and potential of my War to Sustainable Positive Peace analytical framework for better understanding the elements and dynamics of a peace and stability operation environment, and preparing leadership and personnel for related planning, decision making, and engagement. The data shown is real data from my Bosnia in-country field-testing (2009) of the framework. For the purposes of this paper, only samplings of the data are included.
The paper is ordered into four sections as follows:
- Introduction– I elaborate on an intervention operational problem that induced me to explore viable concepts for addressing the problem;
- Negative & Positive Peace Modified for Peace & Stability Operations – This section describes my logic-of -inquiry and composite framework development process;
- The Composite Framework Applied– This section elaborates on my Bosnian-country field-testing of the resulting concept and framework. It contains seven graphic models that show the development of and flow of analysis for the War to Sustainable Positive Peace Framework, as well as how to use them for operations, or training;
- Conclusions and Recommendations.
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