Iraqi prime minister's visit to Washington and the war against ISIS

Television Appearence
Yerevan Saeed
Yerevan Saeed
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Iraqi prime minister's visit to Washington and the war against ISIS

This was a live panel on Iraqi Kurdish NRTTV, an independent news outlet based in Iraqi, Kurdistan.

Ph.D. student Yerevan Saeed appears; a quote from his comments appears below:

"The trip of Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi to Washington is multipurpose. He wants to ensure United States will remain engaged in Iraq politically and financially in post ISIS Iraq as the phase of stabilization and peacebuilding will require American and international support. In the meantime, Abadi is very likely to seek second term in 2018 parliamentary elections. He wants to make sure he will have Washington's support as the competition for premiership seat will get intense with emerging new players, empowered by the war against ISIS  in particular Shia militia commanders."

Original Link:
Published Date: March 23, 2017
Publication: NRT
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