The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Topic of interest Books
The Mediation Handbook: Research, theory, and practice
Resolving Structural Conflicts: How Violent Systems Can Be Transformed
Civil Society, Peace, and Power
Trump Effect
Healing the Heart of Conflict: Eight Crucial Steps to Making Peace with Yourself and with Others Revised and Updated
Elections in Hard Times: Building Stronger Democracies in the 21st Century
Preparedness and Response to Terrorism in Nigeria
Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring
What Is Enlightenment? Continuity or Rupture in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings
American State-Building in Afghanistan and Its Regional Consequences Achieving Democratic Stability and Balancing China's Influence
Turkey as a Mediator: Stories of Success and Failure
Deconstructing Women, Peace and Security
Contested Memories and Reconciliation Challenges: Japan and the Asia-Pacific on the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Latinos and the 2012 Election The New Face of the American Voter
Conflict Resolution in Water Resources and Environmental Management
The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader
The Nature of Intractable Conflict: Resolution in the Twenty-First Century
Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia: Understanding Stakeholders and Change in Environmental Conflict
Lies, Loss, and Longing
Professors and Their Politics
Political Insults: How Offenses Escalate Conflict
An Institutional Approach to the Responsibility to Protect
Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Sea Territorial Dispute
Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource
Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict
The Eclipse of Equality: Arguing America on Meet the Press
Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding
Ethics, Norms and the Narratives of War: Creating and encountering the enemy other
NATO after Sixty Years: A Stable Crisis
Forming a Culture of Peace: Reframing Narratives of Intergroup Relations, Equity, and Justice
Conflict Management and “Whole Of Government”: Useful Tools for U.S. National Security Strategy?
Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory
Free Burma: Transnational Legal Action and Corporate Accountability
The Handbook On The Political Economy Of War
Land and Dignity in Paraguay
Peace Building
Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation
Reasons to Kill: Why Americans Choose War
OSCE Yearbook 2009, Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States
Strengthening Peace in Post-Civil War States: Transforming Spoilers into Stakeholders
Conflict Management and Resolution: An Introduction
Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenge of Reaching Self-Sustainability in a Post-War Environment.
Shifting Grounds of Conflict and Peacebuilding: Stories and Lessons
To Make the Earth Whole
Surrendering to Utopia: An Anthropology of Human Rights (Stanford Studies in Human Rights)
State, Labor, and the Transition to a Market Economy: Egypt, Poland, Mexico, and the Czech Republic
Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
The Challenge of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space, and Global Modernity
Dilemmas of Modernity: Bolivian Encounters with Law and Liberalism
Political Sociology: Power and Participation in the Modern World
In the Moment of Greatest Calamity: Terrorism, Grief, and a Victim's Quest for Justice
Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot? The Future of Kosovo and the Peace Process in the Western Balkans after the Decision on Independence.
Changing Course: A New Direction for US Relations with the Muslim World
Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution
The United Nations Security Council in the 1990s: Resurgence and Renewal
Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis
Conflict Management and African Politics: Ripeness, Bargaining, and Mediation
Democracy and the Political Unconscious (New Directions in Critical Theory)
The center holds: UN reform for 21st-century challenges
Approaching or Avoiding Cooperative Security?
Avoiding Conflict in the Horn of Africa: U.S. Policy Toward Ethiopia and Eritrea (Council Special Report)
Zones of Peace
International Peace Plans for the Balkans – A Success?
Complexity in World Politics: Concepts and Methods of a New Paradigm
Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, not Static
Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of Globalization
After the Killing Fields: Lessons from the Cambodian Genocide
Demilitarizing Politics: Elections on the Uncertain Road to Peace
Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam
Peace versus Justice: Negotiating Forward- and Backward-Looking Outcomes
Peacebuilding in Postconflict Societies: Strategy and Process
From War Economies to Peace Economies in the South Caucasus
From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace -- International Presence in South East Europe
NGOs at the Table: Strategies for Influencing Policy in Areas of Conflict
Democratic Reform in Africa: The Quality of Progress
Principled World Politics
Making Choices Together: The Power of Public Deliberation
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
When States Fail: Causes and Consequences
Ending Civil Wars: The Implementation of Peace Agreements
Approaches to Peacebuilding
Gendering the International
Jefferson's Pillow: The Founding Fathers and the DIlemma of Black Patriotism
Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Strategic Survey 2001/2002
Africa Policy in the Clinton Years: Critical Choices for the Bush Administration
Learning Lessons from Waco: When the Parties Bring Their Gods to the Negotiation Table
African Foreign Policies: Power and Process
Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice
Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century
Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction
Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity During the Holocaust
Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
Habermas, Kristeva, and Citizenship
Capturing the Complexity of Conflict: Dealing with Violent Ethnic Conflicts of Post-Cold War Era
Information Campaigns for Peace Operations [IMPORT]
Complementarity and Coordination of Conflict Resolution Efforts in the Conflicts Over Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transdniestria
Voting for Peace: Postconflict Elections in Liberia
African Reckoning: A Quest for Good Governance
Culture & Conflict Resolution
Standing with the Public: The Humanities and Democratic Practice
Postconflict Elections, Democratization, and International Assistance
Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion, and Government
Conflict Resolution
Handbook of Conflict Resolution: The Analytical Problem-Solving Approach
Sovereignty as Responsibility. Conflict Management in Africa
Africa in the New International Order: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Regional Security
Multi-Track Diplomacy: A System Approach to Peace
Somalia: State Collapse, Multilateral Intervention, and Strategies for Political Reconstruction (Brookings Occasional Papers)
Conflict Resolution: Track Two Diplomacy
Cooperative Security: Reducing Third World Wars
Dynamics Of Regional Politics
Contested States: Law, Hegemony and Resistance
Comrade Valentine: The True Story of Azef the Spy -- the Most Dangerous Man in Russia at the Time of the Last Czars
Lyndon Johnson Confronts the World: American Foreign Policy, 1963-1968
Vietnam: The Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism
Entangling Alliances: How the Third World Shapes Our Lives (Hardcover)
The Political Economy of Ethiopia
The Political Economy of Ethiopia
Arms Race Theory: Strategy and Structure of Behavior
New Approaches to International Mediation
Quiet Riots: Race and Poverty in the United States. The Kerner Report Twenty Years Later.
Alchemists of Revolution: Terrorism in the Modern World
The Politics of Counterinsurgency in the Philippines: Military and Political Options
Russian and Arabia: Soviet Foreign Policy toward the Arabian Peninsula.
The Rise and Demise of Democratic Kampuchea
Britain Between East and West: A Concerned Independence
Vietnam: A History in Documents
A Peace Denied: the United States, Vietnam and the Paris Agreement
Left turn: Origins of the next American Revolution
World Society
Theory and Research on the Causes of War
Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Patriotism in Israel
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MS/MSW Dual Degree
Research & Practice
Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
Zones of Peace Survey
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