Mr. President, the Intra-Palestinian Dispute is an Obstacle to Peace

Newspaper Article
Rawhi Afaghani
Rawhi Afaghani
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Mr. President, the Intra-Palestinian Dispute is an Obstacle to Peace
Written: By S-CAR
Author: Afaghani, Rawhi
Published Date: June 11, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC – In his landmark speech at the Grand Hall of Cairo University, US President Barack Obama set out to change Muslim and Arab perceptions of the United States. Some Arabs welcomed Obama’s “new beginning” speech as a fresh start and a sign of a major departure from Washington’s previous approach to the Middle East. Others, however, expressed frustration that his speech lacked references to a specific set of policies for the region. One clear message that President Obama conveyed is that the road to regional stability requires a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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