The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Researcher Media by this Author
Highlights from Day 2 of the DNC
Chris Christie endorses Trump for U.S. president
How Nevada affects Sanders
Solon Simmons: Latest thoughts on the U.S. political battle
US immigration: Will Obama win?
U.S. Drone Controversy
SOTU: addressing the sequester, climate change and immigration
What is Obama's downfall?
'Fiscal cliff' crisis barely over: Obama presses for action
Obama won Florida, final electoral vote tally shows
Obama, Romney in the final home stretch
Big Atlantic storm muddles last days of campaign for Romney, Obama
How did Obama do in the final debate?
A Conflict Analysis perspective of Mitt Romney's recent foreign policy speech - (Arabic)
Post-debate poll shows Romney, Obama tied for support
'Innocence of Muslims' from a conflict resolution perspective
Santorum leaves Romney, Obama to contest the White House
Romney, Gingrich squaring off in Florida primary
Perry abandons presidential campaign, endorses Gingrich
Is Cain out of the Race for Good?
Solon Simmons discusses the Nevada Republican debate
Tea Party Queen -- Solon Simmons Discusses Michelle Bachmann's Bid for Presidency
Race to Compete Against Obama
Debt Ceiling Debate
Effects of a Potential Government Shut-down: Analysis by Solon Simmons
2011 State of the Union: Analysis by Solon Simmons
Hu Jintao Visits the US: Analysis by Solon Simmons
Republicans ride voter unrest to control of House
Obama, Democrats likely to be punished at polls
Analysis of NPR - Juan Williams Firing
U.S. transitions to final phase of war in Iraq
Mosque Controversy
Obama's Peace Prize and European Problem
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Pres. Obama- Commentary
Health Care Debate- Obama's Address to Congress
Balance of Trauma - Gates and Crowley
Obama's Notre Dame Address
Obama Administration's Progress in the First 100 Days
Obama's First 100 Days in the White House
Obama's Primetime Economic Pitch
Obama's Call to Action
Obama's First Speech to a Joint Session of Congress
U.S. Senate Passes Obama's Recovery Plan
US Primaries After South Carolina: Analysis by Solon Simmons
Obama, Afghanistan, and Iraq
Obama, Legacy of MLK and Douglass
Obama Travels to D.C. by Train
Introducing the Obamas at the Convention
Bush's Farewell Address
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Obama's Cabinet Picks
Obama's First Press Conference
A New Morning in America
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Canada AM Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Fox News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
3rd and Final Presidential Debate
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Nader Campaigns with Americans Living in Canada
Obama's speech to 200k Germans in Berlin
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Delegates Get Half-Votes
CTV News Interviews ICAR Professor Solon Simmons
Obama Captures Majority of Pledged Delegates
Edwards Boosts Obama Campaign
Democratic Battle in NC and IN
Democrats Split 50-50 Heading Into Final Primaries
Jeremiah Wright Speaks Out on Race in America
Post-Super Tuesday
Ralph Nader, Third Party Role in American Politics
New Hampshire Primaries: Analysis by Solon Simmons
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