I Shall Not Hate - Show Discussion on Violence, Victimization and Paths towards Health
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February 6, 2016 3:00PM through 7:00PM
Mosaic Theater Company
Community Engagement Event

This performance is based on the best seller memoir of Gazan Doctor, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish from Jabaliya refugee camp, who lost his 3 daughters during Israel’s assault on Gaza in January 2009. His memoir is called : I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, Jan. 18, 2011. He was nominated to Peace Noble prize and has created “Daughters of life” foundation to support female students in several universities around the world.
Following the 3:00PM performance of " I Shall Not Hate", join us for a post-show discussion and talkback with with Bashar Sorri (Cure Violence) and Carol Daniel Kasbari (conflict transformation specialist and George Mason University SCAR PhD candidate).
Tickets Here: "I Shall Not Hate" 3 pm Saturday, February 6th
Carol Daniel Kasbari
Carol Daniel Kasbari, Conflict transformation specialist, Speaker and veteran facilitator for groups in conflict in the Middle East since 1995. She initiated, directed and led numerous conflict resolution programs through local and international NGO’s such as Search for Common Ground, Catholic Relief Services and other in various fields such as in media, dialogue, education and advocacy. Her mediation and facilitation work included groups such as wounded crossing borders, senior media professionals covering conflicts, high school educators, women activists and many others in Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Greece and Bosnia. She was the co-founder and director of the Israeli Palestinian Media Forum (IPMF) and a consultant for UNESCO’s division of Freedom of Expression for 8 years. She is well known in the region for her capability to create partnerships among organizations and people in conflict. She has written several academic papers and presentations on critical media consumptions, war/peace journalism and other conflict transformation related issues. Her op-ed articles on Jerusalem, on reflections of the Israeli Palestinian dialogue, and the transformation of the conflict were published widely in several languages internationally in Washington Post, NY times and local media outlets in the Middle East. In 2011, she held a powerful TEDx talk on “Going beyond the Dialogue of Words” to illustrate through her personal experience the numerous ways to act and reach out to the other, to cross the emotional and physical borders to create a dialogue of actions: http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxJaffa-Carol-Daniel-Kasbari
Carol was born in Nazareth and lived in Jerusalem until 2013. She holds B.A in Sociology and Anthropology, and Master degree in NGO Administration and Public Policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is PhD student at the School For Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University.
Her publication and papers can be found on http://scar.gmu.edu/people/carol-kasbari Contact Carol at [email protected]
Bashar Sorri
Bashar Sorri is a lawyer and writer from jerusalem and an "Ambassador" of the Arab Thought Forum's youth program Palestine. He is currently working as a program officer at Cure Violence as part of his Fellowship with the McCain Institute for International Leadership. He has been instrumental in designing a new Cure Violence program focused on creating a network of young people in Palestine who understand that violence is a behavior that can be prevented and which spreads like a contagious disease. He has been involved in many international youth conferences on global peace and fighting extremism, and many peace building activities in the Middle East and Jerusalem.