Narrative Roundtable: Story, State, and Strategy: What does it have to do with ME?

Event and Presentation
Sara Cobb
Sarah Federman
Sarah Federman
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Narrative Roundtable: Story, State, and Strategy: What does it have to do with ME?
Event Date:

March 26, 2013 2:00PM through 4:00PM

Event Location: Arlington Truland Building Room 540
Past Event
Event Type: Event

Narrative Roundtable: Story, State, and Strategy: What does it have to do with ME?

As a "conflict resolver," we're often focused on others' stories, the role of the "State" and what strategies are being employed.

 During this roundtable, we're turn the tables-- looking at our OWN stories, state, and strategies.

 This roundtable considers the importance of these three components, but not in the ways that you might think.

 An exercise in reflective practice we will discuss 

                     •    What stories do WE have surrounding the                       conflict and our role?

                    •    What about our own state when entering a new                  engagement?

        •    What strategy are we using? This final                            component draws on all we have learned at S-CAR and out in the field.


Tuesday, March 26th
2:00PM - 4:00PM
    Truland Building 540

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