Events by these Researchers
Book Launch -- Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory - (abartoli)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) for the book launch of "Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory," by Susan
Global Problematique Symposium - (dsandole)
Come join the Global Problematique Working Group for an opportunity to meet, listen, network, and discuss with some of the DC areas brightest
Book Launch: "Resolving 21st Century Disputes: Best Practices for a Fast-Paced World," by Geoff Drucker - (g.drucker)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) for the launch of Geoff Drucker's new bookResolving 21st Century Disputes: Best
The Present and Future of Practice at S-CAR - (sallen)
The Present and Future of Practice at S-CARPart of a lunch series hosted by the Center for Peacemaking PracticeThe Center for Peacemaking
Leading Change through Reflective Practice: Integrating Social Entrepreneurship, Conflict Resolution, and Consciousness - (sallen)
Interested in changing the world? The Mason community is cordially invited to a special evening with leading social entrepreneurs John and Susan
Brown Bag Lecture - Working with the Past in Ethnically Framed Conflicts - (gamaghel)
Phil GamaghelyanPhD Student at School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason UniversityCo-Director of the Imagine Center for Conflict
CRDC Open House - (mgopin)
Come to an Open House with CRDC to hear about our summer courses that we will offer abroad this year! You will get a chance to hear from
Workshop on Publishing for PhD Students - (dsweetma)
This workshop will be facilitated by Derek Sweetman and Philip Gamaghelyan; PhD candidates at S-CAR. They will present on their published
Dissertation Proposal-- Seeking the Future: How Should Bosnians Deal with their Troubled Past? -- Miki Jacevic - (mjacevic)
This study seeks to explore how various forms and mechanisms of transitional justice have shaped the discourse of post-war reconstruction and
Georgian-South Ossetian Conflict: in Search of Peace - (sallen)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution for a discussion on:Georgian-South Ossetian Conflict: In Search of PeaceThe event
Doctoral Defense: Revisiting the Discourse on State Failure: Towards a Conflict Resolution Trajectory - (syamin1)
This research is a comparative case study of eight states in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East assessing the impact of external military
Chic Dambach: A Night's Celebration - (gmesciog)
Please join the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution for:An Evening's Celebration and Book Launch forCharles "Chic" Dambach
Identity-Based Conflict and Cooperation in Theory and Practice - (sallen)
"Identity-Based Conflict and Cooperation in Theory and Practice."A discussion with Jay Rothman, Ph.D.
Author Discussion: Thania Paffenholz: Civil Society and Peacebuilding - (dsandole)
Join the ICAR community in welcoming author Thania Paffenholz, who will join us for a discussion of her new work:Civil Society and Peacebuild: A
Book Launch: "Peacebuilding" by Dennis Sandole - (dsandole)
Join the ICAR community in celebrating Professor Dennis Sandole's newest publication:Peacebuilding: Preventing War in a Complex World
Presentation on the Practice Program at Point of View - (drothbar)
ICAR Professors Dan Rothbart, Susan Allen Nan and Chris Mitchell will report on three on-going problem solving workshop series that currently
Contentious Conversations Series, Conversation 1: Theory and Practice - (tlyons1)
Thomas de Waal Lecture, "Understanding the Caucasus" - (jgreiff)
George Mason University's Terrorism Transnational Crime and Corruption Center and the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution host:Thomas de
Dissertation Defense: Min Zaw Oo, From Democratic Transition to Consolidation - (minzawoo)
The end of the Cold War created an impression that liberal democracy has become the paramount political system of human society. Between the periods
Pamela Creed - A Narrative Transformed: The Soldiers' Stories - (pcreed)
This dissertation uses positioning theory and narrative analysis to examine the relationship of culture, emotion and agency in the dramatic