

GMU Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference 2011
October 3, 2011 – 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Research I Building, Fairfax CampusPresentation Title: Engaging Students Through Role Plays

Presenters: Susan Hirsch, Mara Schoeny, Ethan Finley and Gina Cerasani

Session description:
 Role plays may be used in the classroom as a way of enhancing student engagement. However, we know little about specifically how role plays increase student engagement, whether some types of role play activities work better than others, and how teachers can effectively use role plays to encourage various forms of student engagement. This session presents research findings on students’ empathy for characters in a role play as a form of engagement, achieving “flow” through role play, and students’ self-reports of engagement during role play. Session participants will be encouraged to consider the types of role plays they might use to enhance engagement in their classrooms. This presentation highlights findings from a FIPSE-funded project titled “Linking Theory to Practice: Conflict Analysis and Resolution Pedagogy” that includes research conducted in Mason classrooms.



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